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Pontiac Grand Prix song - FOUND!

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# 1 20 years ago

Grand Prix Commercial.
You’ve seen this one .. with the blind girl driving in the desert? Great guitar rip and no lyrics.
Did some research and found a lot of people wanting to know where they could get it. Some folks said it was a remix of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song and others said it was very much like 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bahuaus. It was discovered (by someone who wrote to GM) that it was indeed an original score, created for their commercials, and not available to the public.
Well, after some digging, I’m happy to say I have found the mp3! And it was on the GM website (of all places!) 1:03 in length.
It’s called 'Guy/Girl' and if you want to listen, click on the first image of the woman. If you want to download, click on the image below (tire) and a pop-up box will appear with a link to download the mp3. It will be a zip file so you’ll need WinZip to extract it once the download is complete.
I hope this is of help to anyone looking for this tune. And be sure to add it to your KaZaa collection so others might find it as well.
THIRD MILLENNIUM entertainment

# 2 20 years ago

YES! Thank you. I love this commercial!!
> Grand Prix Commercial.
> You’ve seen this one .. with the blind girl driving in the desert? Great guitar rip and no lyrics.
> Did some research and found a lot of people wanting to know where they could get it. Some folks said it was a remix of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song and others said it was very much like 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bahuaus. It was discovered (by someone who wrote to GM) that it was indeed an original score, created for their commercials, and not available to the public.
> Well, after some digging, I’m happy to say I have found the mp3! And it was on the GM website (of all places!) 1:03 in length.
> It’s called 'Guy/Girl' and if you want to listen, click on the first image of the woman. If you want to download, click on the image below (tire) and a pop-up box will appear with a link to download the mp3. It will be a zip file so you’ll need WinZip to extract it once the download is complete.
> I hope this is of help to anyone looking for this tune. And be sure to add it to your KaZaa collection so others might find it as well.
> Terrence
: --
: THIRD MILLENNIUM entertainment

# 3 20 years ago

I must be a moron but I can't find it on the general motors site. I went to and can't find, can you help????
> Grand Prix Commercial.
> You’ve seen this one .. with the blind girl driving in the desert? Great guitar rip and no lyrics.
> Did some research and found a lot of people wanting to know where they could get it. Some folks said it was a remix of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song and others said it was very much like 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bahuaus. It was discovered (by someone who wrote to GM) that it was indeed an original score, created for their commercials, and not available to the public.
> Well, after some digging, I’m happy to say I have found the mp3! And it was on the GM website (of all places!) 1:03 in length.
> It’s called 'Guy/Girl' and if you want to listen, click on the first image of the woman. If you want to download, click on the image below (tire) and a pop-up box will appear with a link to download the mp3. It will be a zip file so you’ll need WinZip to extract it once the download is complete.
> I hope this is of help to anyone looking for this tune. And be sure to add it to your KaZaa collection so others might find it as well.
> Terrence
: --
: THIRD MILLENNIUM entertainment

# 4 19 years ago

Folks - Finally found the real tune behind the pontiac grand prix. Ready .... Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi's Dead.
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