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What is the song from the Gatorade commercial??!

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# 1 20 years ago

It is the one where people are playing soccer and football and some of the lyrics are:
'were brothers to the core now, please believe me, i never forfiet the game, my team needs me'
'thats when they step in with l.o.v.e.'
can someone please tell me the name of the song, i have looked everywhere?
if you have time, please email it to vbpatel @ if you can. thanks
# 2 20 years ago

This may sound really **, but there was that Gatorade comercial a few years back that player during the winter olympics. It had some classical music playing and the narrator was like "what goes up... stays up, what goes down... gets back up" what wa the name of the piece playing in the backround?
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