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this is driving me nuts...

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# 1 20 years ago

i have heard this song from so many different commercials...but i heard it again tonight while watching the emmys...
during that montage of bill cosby, the bkgd music was of a woman humming a simple melody, while some kind of banjo or guitar or some string instrument is being played...
if any of you know, please let me know! thanks =)
# 2 20 years ago

> i have heard this song from so many different commercials...but i heard it again tonight while watching the emmys...
> during that montage of bill cosby, the bkgd music was of a woman humming a simple melody, while some kind of banjo or guitar or some string instrument is being played...
> if any of you know, please let me know! thanks =)

# 3 20 years ago

I believe the song you are referring to is by the late Hawaiian singer Isreal 'IZ' Kamakawiwo'ole, who died in 1997....I watched some of the Emmy's and remember this song being played in the background. He did a version of 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World' where he hums and plays the the Ukelele. The song has been featured in past commericals as well as some movies such as 'Meet Joe Black'....hope this helps you from driving you nuts.
# 4 20 years ago

> : i have heard this song from so many different commercials...but i heard it again tonight while watching the emmys...
>> during that montage of bill cosby, the bkgd music was of a woman humming a simple melody, while some kind of banjo or guitar or some string instrument is being played...
>> if any of you know, please let me know! thanks =)
I am also trying to find out who the artist is. I am creating a video for my wedding and want to use her music inthe background. If you find out who it is please let me know. Thanks.
Kae wallace

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