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KIA Sedona - Commercial Music

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the instrumental music in the new Kia commercial is? Kind of a smooth jazzy tune with violins/strings and a cool rhythm and beat. No lyrics just instrumental. You see one of those steel crash sleds racing down the line like it's going to smash into the Kia Sedona van, but you never actually see it crash. First seen the commercial last month I think (Aug). Anyone know what it might be? Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

I called the Kia customer service today to get some info on the song. According to the Kia rep, several people have already called with the same question. However, according to the kia rep, he didn't know the name of the artist but he was told that the song was recorded specifically for the commercial. :-( He said I could probably get the name of the artist if I e-mailed Kia's marketing department but I probably won't for now--too many other pressing matters for me to worry about. Bummer! I like that song!
# 3 20 years ago

Charles, thanks for checking into it though!
Just the other day I had my VCR ready while I was watching tv. The commercial came on... I managed to get about the last 3/4 of it recorded. Of course, this was just for reference purposes that I could play to someone for help in the search. Too bad it was made only for the commercial. It would seem to me that it means it's totally proprietary and probably no one will ever get the song :(
But at least we tried.
# 4 20 years ago

Did anyone ever find the name of the artist/song?
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