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Cingular Wireless new commercial, catchy tune!

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# 1 22 years ago

could someone please tell me the song that is with the new Cingular Wireless Cell Phone commercial? It starts out like a bunch of flutes and then goes into a techno song. I think it is a catchy tune i need to hear. thanks!!!
# 2 21 years ago

Has anyone found out who or what group plays the flute song with the techno beat on the Cingular Wireless commercial?

# 3 21 years ago

I've been loking everywhere for that song! And I've found it :) It's by an 80's band named Talk Talk and the song is... Talk Talk. lol I know that's the exact name to the band and song title cause I'm downloading it right now. =)
# 4 21 years ago

> could someone please tell me the song that is with the new Cingular Wireless Cell Phone commercial? It starts out like a bunch of flutes and then goes into a techno song. I think it is a catchy tune i need to hear. thanks!!!

# 5 21 years ago

I would like to know the name of this song too. The commercial is called Wingtip I believe. Can't find any info on the song itself though.
# 6 21 years ago

same here, would someone please tell me who that song is by? Sounds like Duran Duran.

# 7 21 years ago

It's the one that goes 'talk talk...' right?? I know, I've been going crazy trying to find that song and I have no idea what its called or who does it!
# 8 21 years ago

I assume you're referring to the 'Talk Talk' commercial, which features the song 'Talk Talk' by the band 'Talk Talk'.

# 9 21 years ago

> could someone please tell me the song that is with the new Cingular Wireless Cell Phone commercial? It starts out like a bunch of flutes and then goes into a techno song. I think it is a catchy tune i need to hear. thanks!!!

# 10 21 years ago

> could someone please tell me the song that is with the new Cingular Wireless Cell Phone commercial? It starts out like a bunch of flutes and then goes into a techno song. I think it is a catchy tune i need to hear. thanks!!!
If you haven't found it already its by the band Talk Talk
# 11 19 years ago

I would like to know, if you can tell me, who are the triplets in the cingular wireless commercial? Thank you.
# 12 19 years ago

> What is the name of the girl that's in your commercial for Jenny 867-5309?
# 13 19 years ago

> The 3 guys are Nick, Craig and Ryan Karshner.
# 14 19 years ago

Where can I watch the Cingular Wireless comerccials? I really need to know. Please email me the answer because i won't be back here on the board. thanks
# 15 19 years ago

I want to know too. I want her to have my children.

> > What is the name of the girl that's in your commercial for Jenny 867-5309?
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