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queer eye for the straight guy theme song

(Messages 16 to 21 of 21 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages Post Reply
# 16 20 years ago

the show is great. i am straight, and proud of it. theres nothing wrong with the fab5. they have a great sense of style and fashion. 2 the idiot bagging on them: you probably need the advice they give to others. remember: they like guys, so their minds is somewhat similar to women's, which ultimately means if they like how you look, then theres a good chance women will like the way you look. just my 2cents.
# 17 20 years ago

OOOkay to divert back to the question, I know that it is by a duo called Widelife but I am unsure of the name. And sorry but I have to comment on the closed minded people. This country has fought throughout the years to get away from oppression, it's your attitude that will send us back to those days. We are not the ones that are sick and need help, you are......
# 18 20 years ago

> Does anyone know whats the name of the theme song from the show 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' on BRAVO TV and who sings it?
> Thanks.
The song is "All Things",song by "Widelife".
# 19 19 years ago

Does anyone know whats the name of the song from the advert 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' and who sings it?

# 20 19 years ago

> *closet cases, shheeeesh!!*
> >> YOU WATCH THAT SHO??.... u r **..
> > Oh shut the hell up. Everyone is so tired of you lonesome closet humansexuals that ridicule others that are brave enough to come out just so YOU can feel like your 'straight'. Just admit your ** and get on with your life not a very nice person. Nobody cares anyway.
# 21 19 years ago

> Does anyone know whats the name of the theme song from the show 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' on BRAVO TV and who sings it?
> Thanks.
(Messages 16 to 21 of 21 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages

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