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New Kia Commercial Music Aug/03

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the instrumental music in the new Kia commercial is? Kind of a smooth jazzy tune with violins and a cool rhythm and beat. You see one of those steel crash sleds racing down the line like it's going to smash into the Kia van, but you never actually see it crash. First seen the commercial last month I think (Aug). Anyone know what it might be? Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

Did you find out who made the music in the commercial? !!!

Does anyone know what the instrumental music in the new Kia commercial is? Kind of a smooth jazzy tune with violins and a cool rhythm and beat. You see one of those steel crash sleds racing down the line like it's going to smash into the Kia van, but you never actually see it crash. First seen the commercial last month I think (Aug). Anyone know what it might be? Thanks.

# 3 20 years ago

No I didn't Theresa. I had just seen the commercial again last night before I posted this. Think the first time I seen it was in either late August or early September. The music for the commercial is really a great tune though!
> Did you find out who made the music in the commercial? !!!
: Does anyone know what the instrumental music in the new Kia commercial is? Kind of a smooth jazzy tune with violins and a cool rhythm and beat. You see one of those steel crash sleds racing down the line like it's going to smash into the Kia van, but you never actually see it crash. First seen the commercial last month I think (Aug). Anyone know what it might be? Thanks.

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