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Athens Beach Sony Minidisc Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for the song in the 'Athens Beach' Sony Minidisc commercial. This is the commercial where the police officer is walking around in the beach as a party is getting ready to start. The blue alien guy 'Plato' is in it too. If you go to the link below you can see the commercial and also hear part of the song:
(note: in the first 'Athens Beach' clip you get to hear more of the song than in the second).
# 2 20 years ago

I'm looking for it as well. ANY CLUES would be helpful.

Sony is pretty tight with their licensing but I'm trying to find a copy of the tune as well as who actually does the Plato ads for them.
Drop me a line as soon as you hear anything.
# 3 20 years ago

I'm looking for it as well. ANY CLUES would be helpful.

Sony is pretty tight with their licensing but I'm trying to find a copy of the tune as well as who actually does the Plato ads for them.
Drop me a line as soon as you hear anything.
UPDATE: YOUNG AND RUBICAM NEW YORK DOES THE SPOTS. If you find a site with samples of the tune will you let me know?
# 4 20 years ago

:If you find a site with samples of the tune will you let me know?
In my original post there's a link to the song:
First and second videos on that page will have a clip of it, but other than that, I have no other leads to where more samples may be.

# 5 20 years ago

what you are looking for is x-ecutioners "like this"
# 6 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song in the 'Athens Beach' Sony Minidisc commercial. This is the commercial where the police officer is walking around in the beach as a party is getting ready to start. The blue alien guy 'Plato' is in it too. If you go to the link below you can see the commercial and also hear part of the song:
> (note: in the first 'Athens Beach' clip you get to hear more of the song than in the second).

Ok, In SSX3 for X-Box, the box telling me the song said it was "Like This" by X-Ecutioners, and than bout 30 seconds i hear the music from the Athens Beach skit, but i cant find that song anywhere on Limewire, but hope this helps.
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