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Levi's Type 1 Jeans Commercial Song

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!
# 2 20 years ago

hell, i'm trying to figure out what kind of car it is. . .
> I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!

# 3 20 years ago

I'm trying to find out what kind of car it was too!
> hell, i'm trying to figure out what kind of car it is. . .
>> I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!

# 4 20 years ago

I'm pretty sure the song is by Blur and it's called 'Crazy Beat'

: I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!

# 5 20 years ago

Im pretty sure dats a 'Knight Rider', just with different bodykit.
# 6 20 years ago

it's a completely modififed car... probably based off of a 70s caddy or pontiac. everything has been chopped, that hitch is off a Semi trailer truck, etc. it's not a specific car.

# 7 20 years ago

the music in that commerical is 'crazy beat' by blur.
Can you help me with something too...Do you know the name of the guy in that commercial.
# 8 20 years ago

The Song is called "Crazy Beats" by Blur
# 9 20 years ago

> the music in that commerical is 'crazy beat' by blur.
> Can you help me with something too...Do you know the name of the guy in that commercial.
> Could someone help with teh name of the model in that commercial please!!
# 10 20 years ago

Do you know the name of the guy in that commercial.
Could someone help with the name of the model in that commercial please!!

# 11 20 years ago

> it's a completely modififed car... probably based off of a 70s caddy or pontiac. everything has been chopped, that hitch is off a Semi trailer truck, etc. it's not a specific car.
To me, it appears to be a modified El Camino. But, I could be wrong.
# 12 20 years ago

1971 El Camino w/ custom body work and kit
# 13 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find out what kind of car it was too!
> > hell, i'm trying to figure out what kind of car it is. . .
> >> I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!
# 14 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the name of the song and artist on the Levi's commercial with the guy riding the car like a bull! Please help!

The music is "Crazy Beat" by Blur

And I'm fairly sure the car is a highly modified Chevy El Camino
# 15 20 years ago

"It's a completely modififed car... probably based off of a 70s caddy or pontiac. everything has been chopped, that hitch is off a Semi trailer truck, etc. it's not a specific car."

"To me, it appears to be a modified El Camino. But, I could be wrong."

General body shape says it's a Ranchero COMPLETELY modified. The hitch is a fith-wheel off a trailer hauler or possible a big rig. The top is chopped and the body panels are all custom fiberglass. The interior is similar to any late 60's early 70's muscle car. Only the gauges, lights, shifter and wheel are all aftermarket parts you can get from neraly any custom shop.

Oh and the pant's are Levi...

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