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Song From GE commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
Many thanks*
# 2 20 years ago

I'm looking for the same song. Did you ever get the answer? If not, I'm thinking of contacting GE.

: Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*

# 3 20 years ago

if no one has responded to you, it is Johnny Cash and the title is 'Come take a trip in my Airship'. It's on a few albums including 'America' -

: Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*

# 4 20 years ago

It is a 1904 tune called 'Come take a trip in my Airship' by George Evans & Ron Shields. The GE commercial uses Johnny Cash's version in it's entirety, which unfortunately only lasts 30 sec.
I have it in my computer in mp3 format.

: I'm looking for the same song. Did you ever get the answer? If not, I'm thinking of contacting GE.
:> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
>> Many thanks*

# 5 20 years ago

It's Johnny Cash from his 1973 release 'America'. The title of the song is 'Come Take A Trip In My Airship'. Hope this helps.
> I'm looking for the same song. Did you ever get the answer? If not, I'm thinking of contacting GE.
:> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
>> Many thanks*

# 6 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*
I am looking for the name of and the words to that song also. My mother in law remembers the song from when she was a little girl her mother sang it to her. She is 91 years old. She would like the words to the song. Please help us find this song Thank you.
# 7 20 years ago

It is Cash. 'Come Take a Trip in my Airship.' 1972 off the America album.
# 8 20 years ago

The singer is Billy Murray
It is on the CD 'The Denver Nightingale'
You can buy it at Best Buy
Hope this is helpfull

: Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*

# 9 20 years ago

The singer is Billy Murray
It is on the CD 'The Denver Nightingale'
You can buy it at Best Buy
Hope this is helpfull

: Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*
the title is called 'Come Take a Trip on My Airship'

# 10 20 years ago

It is Johnny Cash, singing a really old song called 'come take a trip on my airship' from his 'america' album. You can see the ad off of GE's website.
> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*

# 11 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
>Sh Many thanks*
Ntalie Merchant sings this song an a children's album that is a fundraiser for pedistric AIDS. It is a very old song, written in the 1920's, I think, by Ren Shields and George something or other.

# 12 20 years ago

It's an old american folk song. Johnny Cash does a version on his America CD. Catchy tune indeed...

: Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*

# 13 20 years ago

It's off of his 'America' album and it's called Come Take A Trip on My Airship - it's about a minute long.
# 14 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
Natalie Merchant does a good version of 'come take a trip in my airship' on 'for our children too' - - - but you can go here. This is my most favorite song originally written by George Evans.
If you can download the sheetmusic from MIT will you send it to me?????????
> Many thanks*

# 15 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the title and artist of the song now airing in a GE (General Electric) commercial... it goes something like 'Come take a trip in my airship...come take a trip round the sun...' It's kinda 'Johnny Cash' style...but not him, I don't think. Please help me before I do something rash!
> Many thanks*
I have provided a URL for the original recording of the song you speak of although I am not certain who sings it on the commercial I think it is George Evans. Or maybe Raymond Sanders. Hope this helps.

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