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Old video w/ a guy holding up signs

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# 1 20 years ago

I was hoping that someone knew the name of the song and artist who had a video where a guy is standing under some overpass holding up signs with words and phrases on them. and on the screen. I think that it is a hair band from the early 90's maybe even late 80's.
I thought that it was Van Halen 'Right Now' but I can't seem to get the video to find out.
# 2 20 years ago

So I downloaded the video and it has words on the screen but it is still not the right video.
# 3 20 years ago

I believe it's a Bob Dylan song your thinking of, but now I can't remember what song it is.
If you can find Weird Al's video for Bob that might help.
# 4 20 years ago

> I was hoping that someone knew the name of the song and artist who had a video where a guy is standing under some overpass holding up signs with words and phrases on them. and on the screen. I think that it is a hair band from the early 90's maybe even late 80's.
> I thought that it was Van Halen 'Right Now' but I can't seem to get the video to find out.
You may be thinking of Inxs. They did a video for 'need You Tonight' that was cut in with 'mediate'. Late eighties is right on with that one. 1988. good luck.

# 5 20 years ago

> I was hoping that someone knew the name of the song and artist who had a video where a guy is standing under some overpass holding up signs with words and phrases on them. and on the screen. I think that it is a hair band from the early 90's maybe even late 80's.
> I thought that it was Van Halen 'Right Now' but I can't seem to get the video to find out.
---My first thought was INXS, but since you say that is not the correct video, it could be 'Subterranean Home Sick Blues' by Bob Dylan (which INXS used as inspiration for their video), but I can't imagine that could be confused as an 80s hair band video.

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