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New Victoria's Secret commerical

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# 1 20 years ago

I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
Is this a real song, that's available?
# 2 20 years ago

the song is called 'love sick', and it's by bob dylan.
> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
> Is this a real song, that's available?
> Thanks,
> Carrie

# 3 20 years ago

I'm looking for the song too.... sounds like Bob Dylan..but I'm not sure. If you find the song/artist, let me know, would you?
> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
> Is this a real song, that's available?
> Thanks,
> Carrie

# 4 20 years ago

Love Sick
Bob Dylan
First Release
Time Out Of Mind

I'm walking through streets that are dead
Walking, walking with you in my head
My feet are so tired, my brain is so wired
And the clouds are weeping
Did I hear someone tell a lie?
Did I hear someone's distant cry?
I spoke like a child; you destroyed me with a smile
While I was sleeping
I'm sick of love but I'm in the thick of it
This kind of love I'm so sick of it
I see, I see lovers in the meadow
I see, I see silhouettes in the window
I watch them 'til they're gone and they leave me hanging on
To a shadow
I'm sick of love; I hear the clock tick
This kind of love; I'm love sick
Sometimes the silence can be like the thunder
Sometimes I wanna take to the road and plunder
Could you ever be true?
I think of you
And I wonder
I'm sick of love; I wish I'd never met you
I'm sick of love; I'm trying to forget you
Just don't know what to do
I'd give anything to
Be with you

Copyright © 1997 Special Rider Music

: Carrie,
: I'm looking for the song too.... sounds like Bob Dylan..but I'm not sure. If you find the song/artist, let me know, would you?
> Scott
>> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
>> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
>> Is this a real song, that's available?
>> Thanks,
>> Carrie

# 5 20 years ago

Love it!

> Carrie,
: I'm looking for the song too.... sounds like Bob Dylan..but I'm not sure. If you find the song/artist, let me know, would you?
> Scott
>> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
>> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
>> Is this a real song, that's available?
>> Thanks,
>> Carrie

# 6 20 years ago

> Carrie,
: I'm looking for the song too.... sounds like Bob Dylan..but I'm not sure. If you find the song/artist, let me know, would you?
> Scott
>> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
>> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
>> Is this a real song, that's available?
>> Thanks,
>> Carrie
It's 'Love Sick' by Bob Dylan
# 7 20 years ago

> I've noticed this a few times, I'm not really interested in the product, but the song playing in the back (while the video shows girls with wings in underwear)gets my attention.
> Kind of a blusey song, starts 'I'm walking...' and ends 'and the clouds were weeping'.
> Is this a real song, that's available?
> Thanks,
> Carrie
Yeah, the song is by Bob Dylan, and it's called 'Love Sick' It really is a great song.
# 8 20 years ago

I've been looking for that song too...and I finally found it.
Bob Dylan -- Love Sick
# 9 20 years ago

thank you soo much for this song.. i've been searching seriously for an hour, to find this song. :)

thaanks again.
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