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What IS that song in the Sony commercial?

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm looking for the artist/name of the song featured in one of the newer sony commercials - it's the commercial where there is a girl looking through a bunch of records; and the blue alien (Plato) is making her a CD as she is looking at the records. Then shes about to leave and he gives her the cd and the narrator comes on and says 'Fit over 400 songs on a single disc...' or something. No one seams to know the name of the song.
# 2 21 years ago

It's G Love and Special Sauce 'Baby's Got Sauce'

: I'm looking for the artist/name of the song featured in one of the newer sony commercials - it's the commercial where there is a girl looking through a bunch of records; and the blue alien (Plato) is making her a CD as she is looking at the records. Then shes about to leave and he gives her the cd and the narrator comes on and says 'Fit over 400 songs on a single disc...' or something. No one seams to know the name of the song.

# 3 21 years ago

bump. still lookin for the song.

# 4 21 years ago

does anyone know the name of the song featured in the newest sony commercial at the beach with all the people dancing with the headphones on and the cop shows up and all that jazz?

# 5 21 years ago

G. Love And Special Sauce - Baby's Got Sauce

# 6 21 years ago

> I'm looking for the artist/name of the song featured in one of the newer sony commercials - it's the commercial where there is a girl looking through a bunch of records; and the blue alien (Plato) is making her a CD as she is looking at the records. Then shes about to leave and he gives her the cd and the narrator comes on and says 'Fit over 400 songs on a single disc...' or something. No one seams to know the name of the song.
HEY! The name of the song is something like, 'my baby's got sauce,' and I believe that it is by the band, G. Love and Special Sauce...hope this helps!
# 7 21 years ago

It's a song by G. Love called Baby's Got Sauce

# 8 18 years ago

> does anyone know what the song is called on the new sony advert where all the b***s are floating down the street
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