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MTV Promo Song

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the song is that used in a recent MTV promo for upcoming shows like Newlyweds, Camp Jim, Wade Robeson Project?
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is that used in a recent MTV promo for upcoming shows like Newlyweds, Camp Jim, Wade Robeson Project?
Today on Wade Robeson Project Shun who, would have won if he wasn't dis wrongly. The Girl could dance but she didn't get the routine right, Shun had the routine right and could out right dance. I, thought this show was real I was really enjoying myself, but the question would always remain why couldn't the pure dancer win either Wade felt theatin or you had to keep the girl for rating(America watching)?up.
# 3 20 years ago

Wade Robson is HOT AS HELL! He needs to dance on over to my apartment...
> Today on Wade Robeson Project Shun who, would have won if he wasn't dis wrongly. The Girl could dance but she didn't get the routine right, Shun had the routine right and could out right dance. I, thought this show was real I was really enjoying myself, but the question would always remain why couldn't the pure dancer win either Wade felt theatin or you had to keep the girl for rating(America watching)?up.

# 4 20 years ago

i want to know too

# 5 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know what the song is that used in a recent MTV promo for upcoming shows like Newlyweds, Camp Jim, Wade Robeson Project?
> Today on Wade Robeson Project Shun who, would have won if he wasn't dis wrongly. The Girl could dance but she didn't get the routine right, Shun had the routine right and could out right dance. I, thought this show was real I was really enjoying myself, but the question would always remain why couldn't the pure dancer win either Wade felt theatin or you had to keep the girl for rating(America watching)?up.

# 6 20 years ago

kristi woodward

# 7 20 years ago

chelsey tate
> who cares who lost the only thing im watching on that show is him!

# 8 20 years ago

> I think that Wade Robeson is so sexy. He sould came on over and dance with me. I think he is a really good davcer i wish i new him. I think at the end of his shows they should show him dancing longer on the stage so ppl who like him can look at his sexy body. DAM is that a nice body or what.
# 9 20 years ago

The answer
Space - "Female of the Species"
# 10 20 years ago

> Space - "Female of the Species"

god bless you
# 11 20 years ago

wade robeson is a major tool
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