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Song from 10-10-987 commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the song from the 10-10-987 commercial. Not the one that plays everybody wants to rule the world. There is a new one with music in the background. The one where they ask people what took you so long to you it. I believe one of the lines in the song are we got the moon stars. But not sure.
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the 10-10-987 commercial. Not the one that plays everybody wants to rule the world. There is a new one with music in the background. The one where they ask people what took you so long to you it. I believe one of the lines in the song are we got the moon stars. But not sure.
The Wallflowers - 'One Headlight'
# 3 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the 10-10-987 commercial. Not the one that plays everybody wants to rule the world. There is a new one with music in the background. The one where they ask people what took you so long to you it. I believe one of the lines in the song are we got the moon stars. But not sure.
It's fatboy slim 'Praise you'

# 4 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the 10-10-987 commercial. Not the one that plays everybody wants to rule the world. There is a new one where john stamos is in a wedding reception dancing to some background music from a combo band and it sounds so familiar.
pls let me know

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