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Song from the latest 7up commercial?

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# 1 20 years ago

I heard this song was only made for the commercial (20 or 30 secs long).. but does anyone know what its called or where i can find it?
# 2 20 years ago

It's not an ACTUAL song, it was made for the commercial. But it's called 'Radio' .. hope i helped
# 3 20 years ago

alrite cool thanks..
but do u kno if im gonna be able to find that on kazaa or sumthin?

# 4 20 years ago

I have no idea lol...I'll search for it today, and let you know. tell me if you find it too.
# 5 20 years ago

I'm also looking for it...I've had no luck so far.

# 6 20 years ago

Well me niether..
but where did u hear that it was called radio?

# 7 20 years ago

> Well me niether..
: but where did u hear that it was called radio?
Yes, its an ill song.
How can it only be a clip?
How did u find out it was called radio? Anyway to find out the artist(s)???
# 8 20 years ago

all right, i phoned pepsi consumer relations, so straight from the horse's mouth -- it's just a jingle. which sucks. because it's damn cool. they said they don't even know the name of the guy who made the song.
# 9 20 years ago

Yea does anyone know the artist..?
theres too many songs with the word 'radio' in it to search for it.

# 10 20 years ago

damnit.. well it was worth a shot..
thnx for getting the info tho..

btw sorry i posted my last msg b4 i read this 1
# 11 20 years ago

Hey there peoples, Just wanted to say hello, I'm the guy that wrote the song for the newest 7up spot, I work for a company based out of Toronto and we write tracks for TV commercials, and other stuff as well. I'm really glad to see people dig some of the stuff I'm writing, I really appretiate the positive comments. Cheers
Marc R
> all right, i phoned pepsi consumer relations, so straight from the horse's mouth -- it's just a jingle. which sucks. because it's damn cool. they said they don't even know the name of the guy who made the song.

# 12 20 years ago

> Yea does anyone know the artist..?
: theres too many songs with the word 'radio' in it to search for it.
> Hey there peoples, Just wanted to say hello, I'm the guy that wrote the song for the newest 7up spot, I work for a company based out of Toronto and we write tracks for TV commercials, and other stuff as well. I'm really glad to see people dig some of the stuff I'm writing, I really appretiate the positive comments. Cheers
: Marc R

# 13 20 years ago

> I heard this song was only made for the commercial (20 or 30 secs long).. but does anyone know what its called or where i can find it?
> Thanks

# 14 20 years ago

> : Yea does anyone know the artist..?
:> theres too many songs with the word 'radio' in it to search for it.
>> Hey there peoples, Just wanted to say hello, I'm the guy that wrote the song for the newest 7up spot, I work for a company based out of Toronto and we write tracks for TV commercials, and other stuff as well. I'm really glad to see people dig some of the stuff I'm writing, I really appretiate the positive comments. Cheers
:> Marc R
yeah ok... there no Marc R on kazza... AUGH!!!

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