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Nip/Tuck song in episode 3: Nanette Babcock

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# 1 20 years ago

what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
# 2 20 years ago

> what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'

Go to and hit the music link - all the songs on the show have been listed and made available by the friendly webmaster

# 3 20 years ago

> what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
I've been searching for that song as well, but i have yet to come about it, i do remember some more words though, 'What do you think of me, are you quite proud of me' then something about curtains and then 'She's so damn beautiful'
hope that might help, i hope we find it :-D g-luck

# 4 20 years ago

> what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
it is:
Polaroid - So Damn Beautiful

# 5 20 years ago

> > what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
> I've been searching for that song as well, but i have yet to come about it, i do remember some more words though, 'What do you think of me, are you quite proud of me' then something about curtains and then 'She's so d**n beautiful'
> hope that might help, i hope we find it :-D g-luck

Hmm...just saw that episode, went searching for the lyrics online, and found this.
Some of the lyrics are,
"What do you think of me, are you quite proud of me?"
And then,
"What do you think of me, are you quite proud of this make-believe?"

Please email me if anyone knows the name of the artist!
# 6 20 years ago

knows all
> > what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
> I've been searching for that song as well, but i have yet to come about it, i do remember some more words though, 'What do you think of me, are you quite proud of me' then something about curtains and then 'She's so d**n beautiful'
> hope that might help, i hope we find it :-D g-luck
# 7 20 years ago

> what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
so d**n beautiful by poloroid
poloroid is aka dan rowe-singer songwriter from essex england
# 8 20 years ago

Steve Lucking
Polaroid - So d**n beautiful
# 9 20 years ago

> what is the song that plays towards the end of the episode when nanette shoots herself? something about 'that girls so beautiful...'
# 10 19 years ago

You can take a look at Dan Rowes website -

She has a wonderful voice and has several new tracks which you can downlaod free . So Da m n Beautiful will be released as soon as Dan has a record deal! She is at the moment unsigned believe it or not!

# 11 19 years ago

You can take a look at Dan Rowes website -

She has a wonderful voice and has several new tracks which you can downlaod free . So Da m n Beautiful will be released as soon as Dan has a record deal! She is at the moment unsigned believe it or not!

# 12 19 years ago

You can take a look at Dan Rowes website -

She has a wonderful voice and has several new tracks which you can downlaod free . So Da m n Beautiful will be released as soon as Dan has a record deal! She is at the moment unsigned believe it or not!

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