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Info on song in Kit-kat commercial (the candy)

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# 1 20 years ago

I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
# 2 20 years ago

it's definately andrew w.k. but i think he did it specifically for kit-kat

# 3 20 years ago

> I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
Its ANDREW W.K. However I have no Idea where you can get except off kazaa hope that this helps
# 4 20 years ago

> : I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.:
> it's definately andrew w.k. but i think he did it specifically for kit-kat
> does andrew w.k. also the kit kat commercial where the african american guy is break dancing in the office?

# 5 20 years ago

Andrew W.K. - Gimme A Break (is the songs title)
>> I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
> Its ANDREW W.K. However I have no Idea where you can get except off kazaa hope that this helps

# 6 20 years ago


# 7 20 years ago

> I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
the song is by Andrew w.k. and it was originally called 'Give me a break'...
# 8 20 years ago

I'm looking for the words to the new Kit Kat commercial with the 2 slackers on the couch. If you find them, please email me.
# 9 20 years ago

I'm looking for the words to the new Kit Kat commercial with the 2 slackers on the couch. If you find them, please email me at:
# 10 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the pictures to the new Kit Kat commercial with the 2 slackers on the couch. If you find them, please email me.
# 11 19 years ago

> > I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
> Its ANDREW W.K. However I have no Idea where you can get except off kazaa hope that this helps

The artist is Andrew Wk, but it is really hard to find
# 12 19 years ago

> I am looking for the name of the song or artist in the newest kit-kat commercials. Where the guys and women are dancing in a factory. But the music sounds like a rock band. PLZZZ!!! if any one can help email me.
(All 12 messages )

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