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Nip/Tuck on Aug. 5

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the title of the song played on Nip/Tuck last night at the end? It was when the kid cried b/c of his girlfriend's infidelity and when the overweight quasi patient killed herself. I loved the song but can't find the name anywhere!
# 2 20 years ago

The name of the song has to be BEAUTIFUL since the chorus line has it but dont know who its by, I'll keep searching, but forget the music I want to know the brand of the suits Troy wears so I can buy some

> Does anybody know the title of the song played on Nip/Tuck last night at the end? It was when the kid cried b/c of his girlfriend's infidelity and when the overweight quasi patient killed herself. I loved the song but can't find the name anywhere!

# 3 20 years ago

Polaroid - So Damn Beutiful
# 4 20 years ago

Vraagiej... hoe heten de liedjes tijdens de aankondiging (reclame) van Nip/Tuck...
1 van die liedjes zoek ik al een fikse tijd
# 5 18 years ago

> Does anybody know the title of the song played on Nip/Tuck last night at the end? It was when the kid cried b/c of his girlfriend's infidelity and when the overweight quasi patient killed herself. I loved the song but can't find the name anywhere!
# 6 18 years ago

> Vraagiej... hoe heten de liedjes tijdens de aankondiging (reclame) van Nip/Tuck...
> 1 van die liedjes zoek ik al een fikse tijd
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