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Okay, It's My Turn 2 Ask!

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# 1 22 years ago

Has any1 seen the latest foot locker Ad? A customer thanx the foot locker employee 4 'da hook-up', hiz new shooz. and he proceeds to walk out of the store, with the new soles, and is immediately noticed by all the honeys, whether on the street or in the car, or on the balcony, everybody's lookin! and thru the whole scene, there's this Arabic music playin' in the background, kinda sounds like Natacha Atlas, 'cause it has a dancebeat to it, but i know it's not her. I'm wondering if there's another female artist that has the same sound? If anybody knows, pleeze feel free 2 Teaze!
# 2 20 years ago

> Has any1 seen the latest foot locker Ad? A customer thanx the foot locker employee 4 'da hook-up', hiz new shooz. and he proceeds to walk out of the store, with the new soles, and is immediately noticed by all the honeys, whether on the street or in the car, or on the balcony, everybody's lookin! and thru the whole scene, there's this Arabic music playin' in the background, kinda sounds like Natacha Atlas, 'cause it has a dancebeat to it, but i know it's not her. I'm wondering if there's another female artist that has the same sound? If anybody knows, pleeze feel free 2 Teaze!
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