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Tampax pearl commercial(HELP!)

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# 1 20 years ago

ok, i kno i'm probably the 50'th person who's asked this question and there's probably gonna be some ass-hole that responds with 'i'm on the rag' or somthing, but this song has been in my head for the longest time now, and i need to kno what this song is. It's the tampax pearl commercial with the girl who goes to the bathroom window and drops her tampon. There's a line that goes 'my baby's got class, and still got style'. PLZ email me or just post the answer, 'preciate thnx :)
# 2 20 years ago

It's called 'I am on the rag'
By The Pantyliners
# 3 20 years ago

and how old are u?

# 4 20 years ago

I am fairly sure that I am older than you. This is based on the way you write and spell.
'how old are u?'
U? I thought the proper word was 'you' ?

# 5 20 years ago

I didn't know this was a spelling test, but just for your pathetic satisfaction, YOU. Now, I would greatly appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut because nobody wants to hear YOU ramble. GET A FUCKING LIFE. Did I spell that correctly?

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