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American Eagle Outfitters Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
# 2 20 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
> Thanks!
I don't know, but MTV also used it in their pre-promotion for this new season of Road Rules: South Pacific. Let me know if you find it; it's driving me crazy!
# 3 20 years ago

> : Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
>> Thanks!
> I don't know, but MTV also used it in their pre-promotion for this new season of Road Rules: South Pacific. Let me know if you find it; it's driving me crazy!
> I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS BAND IS TOO!!!!! the Amer.Eagle commercial thats being played NOW, and starts out with a melodic ' here it comes, here it comes....' then goes into a heavy rock jam....
...there are 2 commercials i've seen peeps asking about...the older one that has more of a trip-hop beat is by a group called 'SOUTH:.....
but who knows the other, more recent song they are using??? i even called amer. eagles fu*#in 1-800 number an d asked the chick who answered.....but she didnt know...

# 4 20 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
> Thanks!
are you talking about the commercial with all the people making out, and all you can really catch in the song lyrics are 'here it comes'? because im desprately trying to find that song so if someone tells you please let me know!
# 5 20 years ago

is it the one where the guy says here we come? plz tell me when you find out. i like it too!

# 6 20 years ago

> :> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
>> : Thanks!
>> I don't know, but MTV also used it in their pre-promotion for this new season of Road Rules: South Pacific. Let me know if you find it; it's driving me crazy!
>> I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS BAND IS TOO!!!!! the Amer.Eagle commercial thats being played NOW, and starts out with a melodic ' here it comes, here it comes....' then goes into a heavy rock jam....
: ...there are 2 commercials i've seen peeps asking about...the older one that has more of a trip-hop beat is by a group called 'SOUTH:.....
: but who knows the other, more recent song they are using??? i even called amer. eagles fu*#in 1-800 number an d asked the chick who answered.....but she didnt know...
: )c;
> It's called 'La Breeze' by Simian. My new favorite song! You can listen to it here:

# 7 20 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
> Thanks!

i absoloutley hate american eagle but i love the song in the comercial i anyne knows please e-mail me

# 8 20 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
> Thanks!
>---->According to the song on the American Eagle Outfitters 'Re-issue' commercial is by a band named Simion and the name of the song is 'Breeze' or 'Le Breeze'

# 9 20 years ago

OMG i've been trying to find out too.... it's a good song lol.

# 10 20 years ago

It's called 'Breeze,' from Simian.
It's a great tune.
# 11 19 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
> Thanks!

the song is called 'breeze', its by a group called The Simians

# 12 20 years ago

the song is called 'la breeze' by simian....took a long time for me to find that out!
# 13 20 years ago

the name of the song is La Breeze by a group called simian
i was looking for it FOREVER as well and finally found it....hope your as happy as i was!

# 14 20 years ago

Yeah, i was searching for that forever and i finally found it. The name is La Breeze, and the band is Simian. Weird, i know, but that's definantly it.

# 15 20 years ago

> : Anyone know the name of the song that is playing on the American Eagle Outfitters new commercial? Pretty catchy beat.
>> Thanks!
> are you talking about the commercial with all the people making out, and all you can really catch in the song lyrics are 'here it comes'? because im desprately trying to find that song so if someone tells you please let me know!

I know it!!! it called La Breeze by Simian

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