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7-Up Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

anyone know who does the song for the 7-Up commercial where the lady is a dj she blows into the mic, and the guy get's the breeze from his radio??? Please email me it's driving me crazy!!!
# 2 20 years ago

> anyone know who does the song for the 7-Up commercial where the lady is a dj she blows into the mic, and the guy get's the breeze from his radio??? Please email me it's driving me crazy!!!
some guy said its called 'radio' but it was made only for that sprite ad.... its only like 30 seconds or something...shitty....
# 3 20 years ago

It sounds like portishead or massive attack, I'm wondering the same thing as you though!!
> anyone know who does the song for the 7-Up commercial where the lady is a dj she blows into the mic, and the guy get's the breeze from his radio??? Please email me it's driving me crazy!!!

# 4 19 years ago

Who knows the artist and song in one of the latest 7-Up commercials? It's the one where a guy is standing on a street corner drinking 7-Up (It's all infrared or something, too), and his body temp. is cold. A girl walks up to him and she gets cold, too... then they walk off together.
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