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NEW mitsubishi commercial

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# 46 21 years ago

'Days without you' by Dirty Vegas - is what I heard they're called.
Now I want to know the name of the guy driving the car...
> thanks...

# 47 21 years ago

Dirty Vegas-Days go by
# 48 21 years ago

dude, let me know when you get the name of this track because i've seen that commercial for the last several weeks and dance uncontrollably in my seat. i need to know also, i love that track! in fact i did a google search to find your question 'mitsubishi commericial music without you'. good luck, i might call kcrw out here in LA to see if they know & if they do, send me your email & i'll get you the name.
> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 49 21 years ago

I couldn't care less about the song. I want to know the name if the girl in the passanger seat so i can try and find naked pictures of her. Can anyone help me out?
# 50 21 years ago

Clever Nickname
> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...
It's 'days go by' by Dirty Vegas.

# 51 21 years ago

it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 52 21 years ago

The group is Dirty Vegas, three blokes from the UK into techo. Their CD will be released on 6/4/02. The song is 'Days go By'. Listen to it at their website belowe
# 53 21 years ago

dirty vegas - 'without you'

# 54 21 years ago

> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...
dirty vegas-days go by

# 55 21 years ago

Hi Elizabeth!
I don't know if you've recieved any replies to this, but the name of the NEW Mitsubishi song is Days Go By, by Dirty Vegas. I hope that helps. :)
MCCF (Mitsubishi Car Commerical Fan)

# 56 21 years ago

elizabeth, the song is called 'days go by' and its by a group called Dirty Vegas. they have an album out June 4, 2002 & have a website:
picked this info up at a club last thursday. when i got home around 3am i turned on mtv and was surprised to catch the video for this track.
> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 57 21 years ago

The name of the song is 'Days Go By' and its by the group named 'Dirty Vegas' I love that commercial myself !! The song is SOOOOO GOOD !!
# 58 21 years ago

The artist is Dirty Vegas, the song title is 'Days go By'

: it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 59 21 years ago

:The Song is called Days go By and it is by Dirty Vegas. The video can be downloaded from Kazaa.
# 60 21 years ago

it's called 'Days Gone By' by Dirty Vegas

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