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NEW mitsubishi commercial

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# 16 22 years ago

That song is by Dirty Vegas.....'Days Go By.' Catchy tune isn't it?????
# 17 22 years ago

> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
it's 'days go by' by dirty vegas
: chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 18 22 years ago

> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

Dirty Vegas - Days Go By

# 19 22 years ago

> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
that's the group that does it

# 20 22 years ago

It is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas.
# 21 22 years ago

The artist is DIRTY VEGAS and the track is 'Days Go By'.

: it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 22 22 years ago

Justin Yu
It's called 'Days go By' by Dirty Vegas. This was found on
# 23 22 years ago

Dude Johnson
it is Days Go By by Dirty Vegas, I need to know who the girl is dancing in the seat?????: it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 24 22 years ago

K Garcia
I don't know if you'd gotten an answer yet, but it's by a band called DIRTY VEGAS, and the title is 'Days Go By'. I just found it myself today!
go to
# 25 22 years ago

> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?

go to i put up tons of intfo on them.
: chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 26 22 years ago

It's a song called 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas
> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 27 22 years ago

Brooke M.
Dirty Vegas - 'Days Go By'

: it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 28 22 years ago

It's 'Days go By' by 'Dirtyvegas'
# 29 22 years ago

Did you find out yet???
Please email me at when you find out. I'd really appreciate it. If I find out, I'll be sure and tell you.

> it's not the wiseguys song and it's not the bare naked ladies song... this is a NEW mitsubishi ad;the commercial with the girl break dancing in the passenger seat? rest of commercial has the same look/feel as the previous above ads.
> please - someone - what is/who is the song and artist?
> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

# 30 22 years ago

'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas.

> chorus says something about 'without you'.. VERY techno feel with pop vocals...
> thanks...

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