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Doritos song

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# 1 20 years ago

doritos commercial....what is that song?
'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'

# 2 20 years ago

> doritos commercial....what is that song?
: 'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'
the one with the girl eating the chips and she bites the chips and its like 'slim to none' about his chances getting with her?

# 3 20 years ago

> : doritos commercial....what is that song?
:> 'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'
> the one with the girl eating the chips and she bites the chips and its like 'slim to none' about his chances getting with her?
Yea thats the one

# 4 20 years ago

What is the name of this girl ?
# 5 20 years ago

> doritos commercial....what is that song?
: 'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'

# 6 20 years ago

> :> doritos commercial....what is that song?
:> : 'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'
>> the one with the girl eating the chips and she bites the chips and its like 'slim to none' about his chances getting with her?
> Yea thats the one
Does any one found it ??? What is it ?
# 7 19 years ago

does anyone know where to find this commercial online?

who is the chick?

> > : doritos commercial....what is that song?
> :> 'the two dorks stuffing their faces at some party and the chick walks up to them..'
> > the one with the girl eating the chips and she bites the chips and its like 'slim to none' about his chances getting with her?
> Yea thats the one
(All 7 messages )

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