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Song in the NBC-Las Vegas commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!
# 2 20 years ago

Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!

# 3 20 years ago

'Lets Whip it' by The New Guy
# 4 20 years ago

Don't know if any one is gonna read this, but Bonnie is a friend of mine from Bellevue, WA. She's so talented, check out her album when it comes out, she is great! (She's done recording her album, it'll be out soon on WB label)
> Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
>> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!

# 5 20 years ago

> Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
>> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!
You are correct her album is not out yet but it will be released soon. She has pure raw talent. I advise you to look her up in about one to two months

# 6 20 years ago

> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!
i want to know to,ASAP
# 7 20 years ago

> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!
I think its cringe
# 8 20 years ago

> Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
>> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!

Its called Let It whip by SR-71

# 9 20 years ago

> Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
>> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!

Hey - bonnie mckee sings that song. I believe she wrote it herself. She doesnt have her album out yet. you can check her out tho in the new edition of interveiw - the cover has hayden christiansen on it.

# 10 20 years ago

I think there's a newer song out in the commercials now. It says something like "cold outside" in it. I know it's not the Ludacris song. Any ideas?
# 11 20 years ago

Not sure about the song on the preview, but I have heard a little bit about Bonnie McKee. She born in January of 1985, growing up in California then moving to Seattle. She is a classically trained pianist and sang in the Seattle Girls' Chior, and even sang for the pope in the Vatican. She cut demos at 12 but was told if she wanted to make it she would have to write her own songs. She had a normal childhood, but somehow got sidetracked along the way with many elicit activities, and even becomming involved with a much older man in her mid to late teens, because of which the singer/songwriter claims to now have a Lolita complex. She has taken all of her youthful exploits and put them into her music which is remarkably safistocated and adult. She is an tallented woman who is starting to gain some much deserved exposure.
# 12 20 years ago

The song you are all talking about is wrong unless there is more then one commercial. The song is Maroon 5 "harder to breath."
# 13 20 years ago

> > Its on NBC's web site, its by a singer called bonnie mckee and the name of the song is trouble. I don't think she has an album yet, she is only 17, believe it or not.
> >> What's the song in the previews for the show Las Vegas on NBC. There is a cover of whip it on one commericial and a dirty song sung by a deep voiced woman on another preview. Please help!
> Hey - bonnie mckee sings that song. I believe she wrote it herself. She doesnt have her album out yet. you can check her out tho in the new edition of interveiw - the cover has hayden christiansen on it.
> Bonnie's from Seattle, WA... she wrote that song by herself, theres no album... she wrote all the songs on her up-coming album i believe... she'll also haev a song in the movie "win a date with tad hamilton". You can preview four of her songs, and also watch a short studio footage clip at
# 14 20 years ago

Yes, Bonnie was my neighbor growing up. She is from Bellevue, WA about 8 miles away from Seattle. She spent about ten to 11 years in California though, then moved up to Washington. Her parents divorced in her late teens and she moved down to california with her mother, there persuing her singing career. she wrote that song by herself, theres no album out yet, althou shes been done recording it for a while... she wrote all the songs on her up-coming album... she'll also have a song in the movie "win a date with tad hamilton". You can preview four of her songs, and also watch a short studio footage clip at its a good clip though, you really should watch it.
# 15 20 years ago

> I think there's a newer song out in the commercials now. It says something like "cold outside" in it. I know it's not the Ludacris song. Any ideas?

That song is called "harder to breathe" by maroon 5
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