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song in latest 7up commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

I also think it is a catchy song and would like to know the name and artist. Seems there is no information anywhere on the net.

# 17 20 years ago

> the commercial shows a heat wave and some sweaty people, and then a female dj who drinks some 7up and blows a breeze into her microphone, cooling off a guy in front of a radio. the lyrics come on near the end, something like 'i wanna see you fly.' it's a female singer. very catchy, but no one seems to know the song.
: if anyone knows the title or the artist, please help!
: thanks

# 18 20 years ago

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# 19 19 years ago

> Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.
# 20 19 years ago

> Kick ass tune is it not?
> I called 7up USA to find out more on this latest 7up commercial with the girl DJ.
> I was told the commercial was Canadian made and that I should call 7up Canada.
> The 7up USA rep told me she had recived many calls regarding the add, she told me she had never heard the song and asked me to describe it to her.
> After that call I called 7up Canada who told me I was the 40th person who called to inquire about the song.
> It was at that moment that she broke the bad news, the song was written just for that 7-up TV comercial
> and was not available in any form!
> So I guess we had better get our VCR's ready to record.

I heard that commercial (more like beat than song) but I had heard that song around places so it does indeed exist nevermind, but I dont know all that many pop songs but I am sure I had heard this song somewhere else.
# 21 19 years ago

> Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.
is that the dance song with the coloured back ground of people drinking and turning blue. this is a good song and i wondered if there is a place to download it. Please tell me if i have the right commercial that you are talking about?

# 22 19 years ago

> Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.
is that the dance song with the coloured back ground of people drinking and turning blue. this is a good song and i wondered if there is a place to download it. Please tell me if i have the right commercial that you are talking about?

# 23 19 years ago

hi ..may i know where i can download the latest 7up ad(mpeg file).i need it for my project.plz do help yya..
# 24 19 years ago

Highly doubtful that a song was created solely for the ad, per se. However, a more likely scenario is that Pepsico paid a a skilled DJ to spin and riff a pretty catchy tune. Even if the composition were available, I think it would be too obscure to download off most sites. Perhaps it's only on vinyl for what I know.

> > Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.
> >
# 25 19 years ago

> is that the dance song with the coloured back ground of people drinking and turning blue. this is a good song and i wondered if there is a place to download it. Please tell me if i have the right commercial that you are talking about?
> Thanks
Hey, wow I'm in love with that song and it's so hard to find, all i know is at some point it says 'feel so high' and thats about it (ya great help I am) if anyone knows the title please email me i gotta find out..
# 26 19 years ago

> > is that the dance song with the coloured back ground of people drinking and turning blue. this is a good song and i wondered if there is a place to download it. Please tell me if i have the right commercial that you are talking about?
> >
> > Thanks
> -------------
> Hey, wow I'm in love with that song and it's so hard to find, all i know is at some point it says 'feel so high' and thats about it (ya great help I am) if anyone knows the title please email me i gotta find out..
> thanks!
I agree! I've been looking for that song for a while now...if anyone knows that name...please email it!!!
# 27 19 years ago

> Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.

I was hoping i could download the latest 7up commercial if anyone knows where i could find it. Thank you
# 28 19 years ago

Thank you for the info on that song. What are the words being sung? I can't discern them.

Mits Takayesu.
# 29 19 years ago

HAHA I WANT IT TOOOOOOOOOOOO I just came online right now after I saw that commercial on tv...I LOVE IT!
# 30 19 years ago

> Sorry, this song does not exist. It was written specifically for that commercial which is called 'Radio'. Therefore, it is only 30seconds in length, possibly 1 minute at most but very doubtful. I work for the ad agency that produced that commercial. You may e-mail me with any further questions.
well is it possible to obtain a copy of this song since it is a very catchy tune
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