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i need the westin hotel song!!!

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# 1 20 years ago

what is the nittle guitar riff thats being played in the westin hotel commercials is it a real song or just made for the commercial?
# 2 20 years ago

Man I need the song too....I am looking for that song even before I heard this music...though this should help me get it... sounds like some pop song from the early 90s....sounds like a Duran Duran song, but I am not sure...
...I knew it was you.....
Guys, if anyone catches this tune...pls post.
# 3 20 years ago

i think it is born of fustration by James
# 4 20 years ago

it is not james- born of frustration. that was from their OLD clip a few years ago.
Looking for the NEW (june/jul 2003) westin ad song too!
I have heard the artist before..just can't place those riffs!
# 5 20 years ago

the 1st song used in the Westin ads was James - Born of Frustration.
This one is great too - can't remember those riffs! If you find out ,please post!

# 6 20 years ago

Rick Fonte
I contacted starwood resorts - they own and do the marketing for Westin, here is their very helpful response:
Thank you for your recent e-mail message. We welcome this
opportunity to assist you.
Please note that the music you are referring to is from
'The Dave Stricker Band'.
Dave Stricker comes out of the Pacific Northwest tradition
of iconoclast music. He began as a teenage bassist in his
father’s country band, and moved on to blues and rock.
Those early beginnings in traditional music can be seen in the
simplicity of his tracks, the authenticity of his guitar
work and the organic nature of his compositions.
Dave and his partner, Tim Ellis, opened the Kung Fu Bakery
in 2002 in Portland, Oregon. It has become one of the most
notable recording studios in the Northwest with the latest
releases from Pink Martini and Everclear.
Thank you for your interest in Starwood Hotels and Resorts
Worldwide. Please contact us if you require any further
Best regards,
Cecil Small
Specialist, E-Communications Department
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide

# 7 20 years ago

> i think it is born of fustration by James

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That d**ned song has been eluding me for the better part of a decade!
# 8 20 years ago

> it is not james- born of frustration. that was from their OLD clip a few years ago.
> Looking for the NEW (june/jul 2003) westin ad song too!
> I have heard the artist before..just can't place those riffs!
I know this is an old reply, but where can I find the whole song to the Old Westin Hotel commercial...

# 9 19 years ago

> what is the nittle guitar riff thats being played in the westin hotel commercials is it a real song or just made for the commercial?
> Yes, it is a real song, it's a minute and a half long, by a guy called dave stricker. Check out his website, you can probably download it, I'm going to try it now.
# 10 19 years ago
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