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Fox tv show the OC

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# 1 20 years ago

does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
# 2 20 years ago

that would be, lifehouse - spin
your welcome ;)
# 3 20 years ago

The band is Phantom Planet and the song is, of course, California.
# 4 20 years ago

No i don't but its driving me crazy because know one knows it! I keep humming the song..'California here we come..' and know one knows it! E-mail me the name of the band if you find out.

# 5 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
# 6 20 years ago

I think that you show is the greatest ,
I hope that you can but the show on more than just wedendays i hope that they will be on fridays to think you .
# 7 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
> Its called CALIFORNIA and just put THEME SONG-OC .. it works on kazaa, thats where i got mine! p.s. Ryan {Ben M.} is so fine!!!
# 8 20 years ago

The song title is "california" by Phantom PLanet on thir guest album.
# 9 20 years ago

The song title is "california" by Phantom PLanet on thir guest album.
# 10 20 years ago

The song title is "california" by Phantom PLanet on thir guest album.
# 11 20 years ago

The song title is "california" by Phantom PLanet on thir guest album.
# 12 20 years ago

The song title is "california" by Phantom PLanet on thir guest album.
# 13 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
> Title:California
Artist: Phantom Planet
# 14 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
# 15 20 years ago

Phantom Planet
> > does anybody know the name of the song and the band that wrote the song that plays during the comericial for the narrow it down i know the song recieved some air play late summer and fall of 2002
> > Its called CALIFORNIA and just put THEME SONG-OC .. it works on kazaa, thats where i got mine! p.s. Ryan {Ben M.} is so fine!!!
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