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What is the song in the new VW/iPod commercial?

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)
# 2 20 years ago

Artist: The Polyphonic Spree
Song: 'Light and Day'

# 3 20 years ago

It's called 'Reach for the Sun' by The Polyphonic Spree.

# 4 20 years ago

The song from the VW Beetle / Ipod commercial is called Reach For The Sun by The Polyphonic Spree
# 5 20 years ago

It's 'Light and Day' by Polyphonic Spree

: Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)

# 6 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)
the band: polyphonic spree
the song: light and day
the album: beginning stages of
# 7 20 years ago

The the band is the Polyphonic Spree. Not sure of the name of the song though. Lyrics here:
# 8 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)
The name of the song is Part 9(Reach for the sun) by The Polyphonic Spree
# 9 20 years ago

its polymorphic spree
# 10 20 years ago

helper outer
vw/ipod commercial song is 'reach for the sun' or 'light and day' by polyphonic spree
# 11 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)
The title is 'Reach For The Sun' by the Polyphonic Spree.
# 12 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)

It is called Light and Day by The Polyphonic Spree. You can get at at the URL below.
# 13 20 years ago

Polyphonic Spree's Section 9 Reach For The Sun

# 14 20 years ago

The song is called 'Light and Day' by The Polyphonic Spree.
# 15 20 years ago

That song is 'Night And Day' by Polyphonic Flood.
Good luck!
> Does anyone know what the song is in the new VW/iPod commercial 'Pods Unite'? Part of the lyrics in the song goes 'reach for the sun'. The band has a male singer and the song has a real emo-garagy sound to it. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! :)

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