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Music from Nissan Commercial & ABC Show "Kingpin"

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# 1 20 years ago

What is that kickass music from the newest Nissan commercial, that I first heard in the 'Kingpin' TV show ads/promos.
It starts as just some hard driving bass, then drums kick in, etc. Very sweet piece.
Who does it? What is it?
# 2 20 years ago

> What is that kickass music from the newest Nissan commercial, that I first heard in the 'Kingpin' TV show ads/promos.
> It starts as just some hard driving bass, then drums kick in, etc. Very sweet piece.
> Who does it? What is it?

Tejo, Black Alien E Speed - Quem Que Cagüetou

# 3 19 years ago

To answer my own question: The song is called 'Mas', and is done by a band called Kinky. I downloaded it from WinMX, and it kicks my gringo ass!
# 4 20 years ago

How can I get a hold of this song?? I e-mailed Nissan and they said it was called To, Black Alien, E Speed Que by True Catgut!! I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know any good websites or lyric pages for this song?? Thanks for ya help.
# 5 20 years ago

Tejo, Black Alien E Speed - Quem Que Cagüetou
Dos anyone knwo of where this single can be purchased in the UK?

# 6 20 years ago

i NEED a copy. where can i get it?
# 7 20 years ago

:anyone know where I can buy / download it?
# 8 20 years ago

: Tejo, Black Alien E Speed - Quem Que Cagüetou
This music is from Brazil. I think its Brazilian funk. Lots very good I like the remix of a track by As Mininas called A little tap doesn't hurt (in Portuguese of course!)

# 9 20 years ago

> What is that kickass music from the newest Nissan commercial, that I first heard in the 'Kingpin' TV show ads/promos.

: Tejo, Black Alien E Speed - Quem Que Cagüetou
Actually, the one you're probably referring to is by Kinky and the song's name is 'Mas'

# 10 20 years ago

> : What is that kickass music from the newest Nissan commercial, that I first heard in the 'Kingpin' TV show ads/promos.
>> It starts as just some hard driving bass, then drums kick in, etc. Very sweet piece.
>> Who does it? What is it?
: Tejo, Black Alien E Speed - Quem Que Cagüetou
> Where can i find the lyrics?

# 11 20 years ago

It definitely kicks ass!!!
Nissan-Netherlands tells me the song will be released in Europe first quarter of 2004.
But what language is it in??? It sounds Russian to me but the title looks Spanish to me (I don't speak any Spanish or Russian)

# 12 20 years ago

> >The Black Alien & Speed are the best mcs here in Brazil,Speed released a cd called "Expresso"(2001)and he's also DJ and Bass player.They are very very good,they are from Niterói,Rio de Janeiro.
# 13 20 years ago

I've been unable to download it, but found a playable file on the link below. Its the whole song too!

copy and paste this to your browser:

# 14 20 years ago

> What is the music from the nissan sentra commercial where the guy is taking a leak and his frinds drive off on him. its a slow melody. i firt heard it in bruce almighty the movie in the beginning. If you could email me and tell me you don't know how happy ill be thanx alot. if theres any thing i can do in return of favor i will.
# 15 20 years ago

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