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from the movie "The Hole" soundtrack

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know what the song thats playing at the end of the movie? im not sure if the song leads into the credits, or not... i just know its playing when the female dectective is looking at the main character, while the main chatacter is smiling in a evil way.... if you can help me out, i will call you god! thanks...
# 2 20 years ago


Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
# 3 20 years ago

> Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
# 4 20 years ago

> does anyone know what the song thats playing at the end of the movie? im not sure if the song leads into the credits, or not... i just know its playing when the female dectective is looking at the main character, while the main chatacter is smiling in a evil way.... if you can help me out, i will call you god! thanks...
# 5 20 years ago

> Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
# 6 20 years ago

> does anyone know what the song thats playing at the end of the movie? im not sure if the song leads into the credits, or not... i just know its playing when the female dectective is looking at the main character, while the main chatacter is smiling in a evil way.... if you can help me out, i will call you god! thanks...
# 7 20 years ago

IsnĀ“t it Main Theme by Recoil?
# 8 18 years ago

> Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
I`ve watched this movie twice. Neat she cute but ahhh. Please don`t fall for her. Ha Ha. Really I`m looking to purchase the music. Owsome tracks. Does anyone know where to buy or download. Thanks.
# 9 18 years ago

> does anyone know what the song thats playing at the end of the movie? im not sure if the song leads into the credits, or not... i just know its playing when the female dectective is looking at the main character, while the main chatacter is smiling in a evil way.... if you can help me out, i will call you god! thanks...
# 10 18 years ago

> >
> > Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
> I`ve watched this movie twice. Neat she cute but ahhh. Please don`t fall for her. Ha Ha. Really I`m looking to purchase the music. Owsome tracks. Does anyone know where to buy or download. Thanks.
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> >
> > Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
> I`ve watched this movie twice. Neat she cute but ahhh. Please don`t fall for her. Ha Ha. Really I`m looking to purchase the music. Owsome tracks. Does anyone know where to buy or download. Thanks.
> >
# 12 18 years ago

> >
> > Ya its -Main Theme- by -Clint Mansell-
> I`ve watched this movie twice. Neat she cute but ahhh. Please don`t fall for her. Ha Ha. Really I`m looking to purchase the music. Owsome tracks. Does anyone know where to buy or download. Thanks.
> >
(All 12 messages )

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