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# 1 20 years ago

This is an email i got after requesting info from citibank..

Greetings Jake.
The man in the Citibank 'Ukulele' commercial is Graham Funke.
The song he sang is an origianal that he did for the commercial and Fallon
owns the rights to it. It has not been recorded for consumer distribution.
If you would like to contact Mr. Funke, his agent is Dragon Talent in LA.
Their # is: 323-653-0366. I do not know if he has other music available.
You could ask his agent that.
Thanks for your interest. Please let me know if you have further questions.
Best Regards,
Shannon Tearle

# 2 20 years ago

Just happened across this website totally by accident while trying to locate a term paper I wrote in college about internet security. Not sure when the message in question came about, but the truth is that the song 'Why-Oh-Why' was licensed to Citibank. They do not own it. The rest of the information is correct.
-Graham Funke

: This is an email i got after requesting info from citibank..
: Greetings Jake.
> The man in the Citibank 'Ukulele' commercial is Graham Funke.
> The song he sang is an origianal that he did for the commercial and Fallon
: owns the rights to it. It has not been recorded for consumer distribution.
> If you would like to contact Mr. Funke, his agent is Dragon Talent in LA.
: Their # is: 323-653-0366. I do not know if he has other music available.
: You could ask his agent that.
> Thanks for your interest. Please let me know if you have further questions.
> Best Regards,
> Shannon Tearle

# 3 20 years ago

Just happened across this website totally by accident while trying to locate a term paper I wrote in college about internet security. Not sure when the message in question came about, but the truth is that the song 'Why-Oh-Why' was licensed to Citibank. They do not own it. The rest of the information is correct.
-Graham Funke

: This is an email i got after requesting info from citibank..
: Greetings Jake.
> The man in the Citibank 'Ukulele' commercial is Graham Funke.
> The song he sang is an origianal that he did for the commercial and Fallon
: owns the rights to it. It has not been recorded for consumer distribution.
> If you would like to contact Mr. Funke, his agent is Dragon Talent in LA.
: Their # is: 323-653-0366. I do not know if he has other music available.
: You could ask his agent that.
> Thanks for your interest. Please let me know if you have further questions.
> Best Regards,
> Shannon Tearle

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