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Copy of Pepsi One commercial song "Rock The Boat" available!

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# 1 20 years ago

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Goodbye and thank you.
# 2 20 years ago

eat poopy
FUCK YOU BITCH, how's that for foul language?
Look, if you don't want people talking to you in a certain way then don't stick your goddamn fucking internet screen names, emails, name or whatever all over every forum on the net! You asked for it dipshit so shut the fuck up!

# 3 20 years ago

Website owner
Hey asshole, if you have a mouth like that, it should be ripped off and thrown away. You will not be allowed back on this website again, and if you do come back, I will report you to the authorites. This is a website to paosted pleasnt things, and we don't want your foul mouth on here, fucker. Now if you ever pull a stunt like you did against someone else, you will know, FUCKER

# 4 20 years ago

You punk-ass motherfucker, you better leave him the fuck alone. You fucking Bitch. Otherwise I will personally instruct one of my hacker friends to hunt your sleazy-ass down. I don't take to kindly to punk ass motherfuckers and bitches who feel they can taunt or mess with one of my broth'rs. If you think you're gonna get away with it motherfucker, you got another damn fucking thing coming. Do it again bitch and you will, 'disappear' conveniently. No one ever messes with one of m' broth'rs and gets away with it, EVER!! You better tone it the fuck down you sleazy-assed motherfucker. Do we have a fucking understanding'? Motherfuckers? It goes for all of you motherfuckers and bitches out there. Every one of you punk-assed shity motherfuckers. No one messes with me or m' broth'rs. Or you will be damned in more ways than one and not only to hell.
So you eat shit you damn fucking motherfucker sleazy-assed bitch.

# 5 20 years ago

Website Owner
To eat poppy,
We here at Clipland have come to the decision that you must go and are never allowed to post here again. The authorites have been notified and you will be no longer allowed to use this site and if you do you will be arrested for assult to this website and it's people. To troy, you are going to be let of with a warning and placed on our closely moniter list. And to the person who defended troy, you will be not be allowed to post on this site until you tone you attitude down a bitm, we will send you an email telling you when you can repost hellseeker. Also this is a warning to anyone else out there who wishes to talk like they did in the future, you will be punished.

# 6 20 years ago

Penis Is You
'hacker' friends....BAHAHAHAHAHAH MAN you are too funny, dickeater.
Oh Yeah I almost forgot.......FAG.
# 7 20 years ago

eat poopy jr.
# 8 20 years ago

The Authorities
# 9 20 years ago

J. J. A.
Fuck you asshole. Sorry...I forgot you've already had it done too many times. Did you enjoy it? Hee hee hee hee hee. Is it inserted correctly? Does it feel gooooooooooooood???? Is it to your satisfaction? Would you like some more? Here's some advice.....You're already fucked!!!!! If there are any faggots here, then it is certainly you for sure.
# 10 20 years ago

Re: In response to the person who contacted Troy Schreiber
# 11 20 years ago

Troy Schreiber
Sheesh!!!! I'm sorry that I said anything. I didn't mean to start up a battle just because of what I said. I'm only on this site to try and help people get answers to their questions, and to try and find answers to some of mine. I really actually don't mind people contacting me all the time or swearing in their meassages to me, I was just mad at somebody who had commented on one of my other questions. I never came here to fight or put people down or start a fight about one of my comments. I won't make comments like that anymore so none of have to worry anymore.
And to you, Hellseeker, calm down and don't bring the family into this, it isn't worth it. I don't need any people getting into trouble or anything else. Leave your threats at home. I can take care of myself.
Okay, that's all. I don't mind if anyone contacts me now. I was just a little angry at the time I posted my messages.

# 12 20 years ago

What kinda place is this? All the grown upos gone to bed & the kids are actin crazy?? LMAO....
xntrik BUT... SANE....... ;-)
> Sheesh!!!! I'm sorry that I said anything. I didn't mean to start up a battle just because of what I said. I'm only on this site to try and help people get answers to their questions, and to try and find answers to some of mine. I really actually don't mind people contacting me all the time or swearing in their meassages to me, I was just mad at somebody who had commented on one of my other questions. I never came here to fight or put people down or start a fight about one of my comments. I won't make comments like that anymore so none of have to worry anymore.
> And to you, Hellseeker, calm down and don't bring the family into this, it isn't worth it. I don't need any people getting into trouble or anything else. Leave your threats at home. I can take care of myself.
> Okay, that's all. I don't mind if anyone contacts me now. I was just a little angry at the time I posted my messages.
> Bye.
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