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Att Wireless commercial, go mobile advertisement

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# 1 20 years ago

i have been looking all over the net an i can't find this song my friedns and i am looking for. it plays in the background of the new att commercial where the words let's go appear all over the place. the lyrics are something like 'aye oh let's go, aye oh let's go'
can anyone help me at all
# 2 20 years ago

> i have been looking all over the net an i can't find this song my friedns and i am looking for. it plays in the background of the new att commercial where the words let's go appear all over the place. the lyrics are something like 'aye oh let's go, aye oh let's go'
: can anyone help me at all
That song is called 'Blitzkreig Bop' by The Ramones. It was also in the 1983 movie 'National Lampoon's Vacation' starring Chevy Chase.
# 3 20 years ago

matt juarez
> : i have been looking all over the net an i can't find this song my friedns and i am looking for. it plays in the background of the new att commercial where the words let's go appear all over the place. the lyrics are something like 'aye oh let's go, aye oh let's go'
:> can anyone help me at all
> That song is called 'Blitzkreig Bop' by The Ramones. It was also in the 1983 movie 'National Lampoon's Vacation' starring Chevy Chase.
thank you soooooo much. we knew the song sounded familiar, but we didn't know where we heard it. now it won't bother us that we don't knot the name.

# 4 20 years ago

> :> i have been looking all over the net an i can't find this song my friedns and i am looking for. it plays in the background of the new att commercial where the words let's go appear all over the place. the lyrics are something like 'aye oh let's go, aye oh let's go'
:> : can anyone help me at all
>> That song is called 'Blitzkreig Bop' by The Ramones. It was also in the 1983 movie 'National Lampoon's Vacation' starring Chevy Chase.
> thank you soooooo much. we knew the song sounded familiar, but we didn't know where we heard it. now it won't bother us that we don't knot the name.
>: This is a related query. This song appears in the ATT commercial that is playing these days with. Dont know what that song is and am interested in finding out. Please help.
# 5 20 years ago

Someone Please Help.
The current (12/01/2003) AT & T wireless advertisement has a black kid (boy) playing a song on the piano with a background picture transmission to a cell phone. What is the name of this song? I need to get sheet music for it but I do not know the name. The song is quite well-known, with a somewhat religious sound to it. Please help.
# 6 20 years ago

> Someone Please Help.
> I'm sorry that I am unable to give you information you need but I don't the answer. However if you are looking for musical advertisement I sing with a group entitle "Stephen Williams and Favour" He has a hot song called," You're the reason why and it would make a good commercial with AT&T wireless. Check out our website even though it is being upgraded you can hear a sample of the song.
(336)965.0089 Deloris Williams
# 7 19 years ago

> i have been looking all over the net an i can't find this song my friedns and i am looking for. it plays in the background of the new att commercial where the words let's go appear all over the place. the lyrics are something like 'aye oh let's go, aye oh let's go'
> can anyone help me at all
# 8 16 years ago

i cant find this song anywhere!!!!!!! please help!!!!!!! its from an at&t commercial and it has a man playing the drums and a girl i THINK is playing the piano and i dont know the lyrics but if you can find it please give it to me
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