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Martin Luther King Jr. -- YMCA Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the piece of music in the background of the YMCA commercial? The commercial features the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he is shown going back in time, thru his life stages and careers (from civil rights leader to reverend and finally to his childhood at the 'Y'). The music is the sound of a boys chorus. The melody of this piece is moving and haunting at the same time...I would appreciate anyone's help in finding it's name and/or artist! Thank you!
# 2 20 years ago

Commercial Taper
or just post a followup.
Once again, if you're not, you don't want a copy now, you already have one, or something else then I am sorry for taking up your time.
# 3 20 years ago

thats so odd. I too found myself haunted by this music in the back of the ymca commercial(w/martin luther king). The voices are haunting. We have to find out who this is. I have to own this cd. i don't know what to do i've looked all over everywhere on the internet. Please email me if you've found anything.

# 4 20 years ago

i would also love to know what this music is. i go to a performing arts school for dance and would like it to be the music of the piece i am choreographing. i would appreciate it so much! please e-mail me!!
# 5 20 years ago

Oh my gosh, I am so glad someone else is searching for the same song. I've been looking and still looking. If I find it I will tell you as soon as possible.
# 6 20 years ago

>Hi, I'm doing a project for the Multicultural Club for my public school and i need a video on Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood. If anyone has any information on a video on the childood of Martin Luther King Jr. or someone or place I can contact to get the video or clip, please e-mail me the source.
Thank You!

# 7 20 years ago

> >Hi, I'm doing a project for the Multicultural Club for my public school and i need a video on Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood. If anyone has any information on a video on the childood of Martin Luther King Jr. or someone or place I can contact to get the video or clip, please e-mail me the source.
> Thank You!
> Nat
# 8 19 years ago

> >Hi, I'm doing a project for the Multicultural Club for my public school and i need a video on Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood. If anyone has any information on a video on the childood of Martin Luther King Jr. or someone or place I can contact to get the video or clip, please e-mail me the source.
> Thank You!
> Nat
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