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Adam, the Dell Intern (Ben Ziff)

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for an address for a website or fanmail to send to Ben Ziff, the guy that plays Adam, the Dell Intern.
I'd love to send him some fanmail. Someone said he was dating her sister -- maybe she could help me out? Please let me know! Drop me an email please if you have any information.
# 2 20 years ago

crombie girl
Have you tried to post a message on the message board on under his name? I'm sure he'll be able to view your comment there or at least you can try to contact him that way :)

# 3 20 years ago

crombie girl
Ben does not have a fan site or fan mail but you can email me and I can help you out.

# 4 20 years ago

Ben or 'Adam' the Dell Intern is my cousin, and yes he is dating a girl. So if your interested, I would back off. As far as fanmail goes- good to hear your watching and rooting for him, but I wouldnt suggest sending him anything.
# 5 20 years ago

hey--i would also love to have a way to send him some fan mail as well...thanks.
> I'm looking for an address for a website or fanmail to send to Ben Ziff, the guy that plays Adam, the Dell Intern.
> I'd love to send him some fanmail. Someone said he was dating her sister -- maybe she could help me out? Please let me know! Drop me an email please if you have any information.
> Thanks,
: Van

# 6 20 years ago

Sorry Van, bad news (maybe good news?) for you
My cousin works for Omnicom, which developed the Dell Intern commercials. She tells me that the guy who plays Adam, Ben Ziff, is 100% homosexual.

> I'm looking for an address for a website or fanmail to send to Ben Ziff, the guy that plays Adam, the Dell Intern.
> I'd love to send him some fanmail. Someone said he was dating her sister -- maybe she could help me out? Please let me know! Drop me an email please if you have any information.
> Thanks,
: Van

# 7 20 years ago

In response to your post....BEN ZIFF (ADAM, the Dell Intern) is not ** in the least (sorry to disappoint the men who like him) How do I know this??? I happen to be his girlfriend. SO you are 100% wrong!

Sorry Van, bad news (maybe good news?) for you
My cousin works for Omnicom, which developed the Dell Intern commercials. She tells me that the guy who plays Adam, Ben Ziff, is 100% humansexual.

# 8 20 years ago

In response to your post....BEN ZIFF (ADAM, the Dell Intern) is not a humansexual in the least (sorry to disappoint the men who like him) How do I know this??? I happen to be his girlfriend. SO you are 100% wrong!

Sorry Van, bad news (maybe good news?) for you
My cousin works for Omnicom, which developed the Dell Intern commercials. She tells me that the guy who plays Adam, Ben Ziff, is 100% humansexual.

# 9 20 years ago

In response to your post....BEN ZIFF (ADAM, the Dell Intern) is not ** in the least (sorry to disappoint the men who like him) How do I know this??? I happen to be his girlfriend. SO you are 100% wrong!

Sorry Van, bad news (maybe good news?) for you
My cousin works for Omnicom, which developed the Dell Intern commercials. She tells me that the guy who plays Adam, Ben Ziff, is 100% humansexual.

# 10 20 years ago

ben's girlfriend
clipland wont let me type certain words that are offensive and changed the ones I typed in originally (ex. they put humansexual...HAHA) lol sorry for 3 posts about the same thing

In response to your post....BEN ZIFF (ADAM, the Dell Intern) is not ** in the least (sorry to disappoint the men who like him) How do I know this??? I happen to be his girlfriend. SO you are 100% wrong!
> Sorry Van, bad news (maybe good news?) for you
> My cousin works for Omnicom, which developed the Dell Intern commercials. She tells me that the guy who plays Adam, Ben Ziff, is 100% humansexual.
(All 10 messages )

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