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music video

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# 1 20 years ago

Everyttime that I see that video 'The Anthem' by Good Charolett and they are riding down the steet on their bikes, it reminds me of another video that I have seen. It's driving me nuts that I am not able to remember what video this is, the vidoe was played on Muchmusic quite abit, I think it was 1997 or 1998. If any one can figure out who sings that song and the name of the song, please tell me...
# 2 20 years ago

> Everyttime that I see that video 'The Anthem' by Good Charolett and they are riding down the steet on their bikes, it reminds me of another video that I have seen. It's driving me nuts that I am not able to remember what video this is, the vidoe was played on Muchmusic quite abit, I think it was 1997 or 1998. If any one can figure out who sings that song and the name of the song, please tell me...

# 3 20 years ago

> : Everyttime that I see that video 'The Anthem' by Good Charolett and they are riding down the steet on their bikes, it reminds me of another video that I have seen. It's driving me nuts that I am not able to remember what video this is, the vidoe was played on Muchmusic quite abit, I think it was 1997 or 1998. If any one can figure out who sings that song and the name of the song, please tell me...
>First off, good charlotte is gay. second, get a real screen name. And last but not least i have now idea what the hell youre talking about

# 4 20 years ago

don't use that word good charlotte if u don't like them
lets put it in other words u suk

# 5 18 years ago

This song predictable reminds me of what my ex-boyfriend did to me in January. Everytime my niece Katlynn came over she brought the cd. Then for my 14th birthday she bought me my own cd. I listen to that song everyday now. ZI also listen to I Just Wanna Live but my ex hates it.

# 6 18 years ago

This song predictable reminds me of what my ex-boyfriend did to me in January. Everytime my niece Katlynn came over she brought the cd. Then for my 14th birthday she bought me my own cd. I listen to that song everyday now. ZI also listen to I Just Wanna Live but my ex hates it.

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