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GMC Commercial Song

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
# 2 20 years ago

> I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
> Help.
I think it's Sock It To Me Baby by Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels.

# 3 20 years ago

> : I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
>> Help
NEVER MIND! It's not Mitch Ryder!
# 4 20 years ago

> :> I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
>> : Help
O.K. I goofed! The song is I Turned You On by The Isley Bros.

# 5 20 years ago

> I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
> Help.

# 6 20 years ago

> : I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
>> Help.
I think the song is by the Isley Brothers....title: 'I Turned You On' from album 'The Brothers: Isley'. But what I want to know about the commercial is if the horse is real or done by computer. Does anyone know how to find that out? I think it's son swears it's computer-generated.....
# 7 20 years ago

Hey...I posted a follow-up to this last night! Where did it go? The song is by the Isley Brothers from the album, 'The Brothers: Isley'. The title is 'I turned You On'. What I want to know is if the horse in the commercial is real or computer-generated. Does anyone know how to find that out?
# 8 20 years ago

I'm looking for the title of the song in the GMC commercial the song doesn't have any words but in the commercial it says 'if an 80,000 seat stadium can have a retractible roof, if a 60,000 horsepower submarine can run silently, if a 2 year old can have 4 weel steering why can't you...etc' can someone please help me find the title of this song? thanx! :)
# 9 19 years ago

> I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC commercial where the horse is being pulled behind the truck with its head out the door and big teeth showing. The song goes, 'I got a good good feelin, great sensation, oh, sock it to me.'
> Help.
# 10 18 years ago

> I'm looking for info on the song in the GMC truck commercial,with the lyrics ,"all you want to do is use me ". thanks
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