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Crest Whitestrips ad and the song -help!

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# 1 20 years ago

Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
Thanks A LOT!
# 2 20 years ago

Hey, if you find out who it is...and what the song is...e-mail me...i've been going crazy for the same song...UGH! it's no where on the internet!! sorry i don't know either!
# 3 20 years ago

> People!
: Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
: The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
: WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!

# 4 20 years ago

i dont know the song, but i do want her hair! oh my goodness, how do i get a picture of that fabulous coif?
# 5 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
# 6 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
> the song is in italian,and it goes
io e te mare e celo,and at the end she goes , che felicitá tu e per me. but i still don't know who sings, but is with no doubt in italian
# 7 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
> the song is in italian,and it goes
io e te mare e celo,and at the end she goes , che felicitá tu e per me. but i still don't know who sings, but is with no doubt in italian
# 8 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
# 9 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
hey, i wrote to the crest people and here was there response to my little note:
Hi. I am writing about one of your commercials. I love the music
playing in t...

Discussion Thread
Response (Carol) - 01/30/2004 12:01 PM
Hi Rachel.

Glad our commercial caught your attention! The singer featured in a
recent Crest Whitestrips commercial is Gabriella Anders. The song from
the commercial was created specially for our advertising and it's not
available for purchase. But this new artist has a CD coming out soon on
the Warner Bros. label so you might want to look for it!

Crest Team
# 10 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
hey, i wrote to the crest people and here was there response to my little note:
Hi. I am writing about one of your commercials. I love the music
playing in t...

Discussion Thread
Response (Carol) - 01/30/2004 12:01 PM
Hi Rachel.

Glad our commercial caught your attention! The singer featured in a
recent Crest Whitestrips commercial is Gabriella Anders. The song from
the commercial was created specially for our advertising and it's not
available for purchase. But this new artist has a CD coming out soon on
the Warner Bros. label so you might want to look for it!

Crest Team
# 11 20 years ago

> People!
> Can't get this French(?) song our of my head!
> The Crest Whitestrips commercial in which a girl put on this whitestrip in front of a store window.
> WHO is singing? What is the name of the song? Help!
> Thanks A LOT!
hey, i wrote to the crest people and here was there response to my little note:
Hi. I am writing about one of your commercials. I love the music
playing in t...

Discussion Thread
Response (Carol) - 01/30/2004 12:01 PM
Hi Rachel.

Glad our commercial caught your attention! The singer featured in a
recent Crest Whitestrips commercial is Gabriella Anders. The song from
the commercial was created specially for our advertising and it's not
available for purchase. But this new artist has a CD coming out soon on
the Warner Bros. label so you might want to look for it!

Crest Team
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