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Song in MTV commercial for Summer shows

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# 1 20 years ago

Seven days a week, every minute, every day
I've been thinking about you
It is a very upbeat, power-poppy song with a female vocal. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

> Could anyone *please* help me find out the song featured on MTV's new commercials for their Summer shows/schedule? The commercial begins with an animation of a man walking on a beach, then finding a bottle on the ground. He opens it, the cork pops off, and then a song plays. These are the lyrics I can remember:
> Seven days a week, every minute, every day
: Whoa-ho
: Whoa-ho
: I've been thinking about you
> ....
> It is a very upbeat, power-poppy song with a female vocal. Thanks.
i found ur song the name of the group is the
sounds and the name of the song is seven days a week
# 3 20 years ago

Hi! Thats song is from a band called 'The Sounds' maybe now you should know...I don't remember the name but i love it too! Bye! im from chile!
# 4 20 years ago

The song is Seven Days a Week by The Sounds.
# 5 20 years ago

> > Could anyone *please* help me find out the song featured on MTV's new commercials for their Summer shows/schedule? The commercial begins with an animation of a man walking on a beach, then finding a bottle on the ground. He opens it, the cork pops off, and then a song plays. These are the lyrics I can remember:
> > Seven days a week, every minute, every day
> : Whoa-ho
> : Whoa-ho
> : I've been thinking about you
> > ....
> > It is a very upbeat, power-poppy song with a female vocal. Thanks.
> i found ur song the name of the group is the
> sounds and the name of the song is seven days a week

yeah that song is called seven days a week by the sounds
(All 5 messages )

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