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The sunlight detergent ad

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# 16 19 years ago

Cool. Thanks, folks. Sam- yeah, three chords can still work wonders sometimes. I'll have something available in the next couple of weeks. See ya.

# 17 19 years ago

I really like your song and would love to hear the whole thing! Did you also write the ither song in one of their commercials where the little girls is carrying a glass of grape juice? It goes, "Love, da,da,da...and repeats, if so is that one available?
Thanks! Jenna
# 18 19 years ago

I really like your song and would love to hear the whole thing! Did you also write the ither song in one of their commercials where the little girls is carrying a glass of grape juice? It goes, "Love, da,da,da...and repeats, if so is that one available?
Thanks! Jenna
# 19 19 years ago

Teather Ball
Hey actually I am the guy who wrote the song and you can get my other songs too such as Hey Jude, Satisfaction and Karama Chameleon. I wrote them all. I even worte Beethoven's 6th Symphony.

Hey if we are going to give credit to anyone let's first hear the goods. How long can it take to write a 2 minute song that already has lyrcs and chords? Jason if you did write the song let us download it now from your website I'm sure sunlight won't mind, it isn't like they OWN THE SONG!!

> does anyone know the name of the song (or who sings it) that is on the new sunlight washing detergent ad where the kid has his shoe in the tree......its driving me goes "...cuz youre the apple of my eye..."
# 20 19 years ago

> Hello everyone. My name is Jason, and I'm the composer of the Sunlight song. I'm glad you all like it so much. All the new Sunlight ads are so great, and it was a lot of fun making little tunes for them. Occasionally I'll do full versions of songs I write for commercials, so I'll let you know when "Apple of my Eye" is finished. I'll try and make it available for download. Out of curiousity, do you feel it discredits a song when it's written for an ad? Hopefully a good song is still a good song despite where it was born, and myself, and the other writers I work with, try to bring something a little more to ads so that everyone can better enjoy them.
> Thanks.
> Jason
> > does anyone know the name of the song (or who sings it) that is on the new sunlight washing detergent ad where the kid has his shoe in the tree......its driving me goes "...cuz youre the apple of my eye..."
Hey Jason,

Just a quick note to say that my husband and I also really like that (sunlight commercial) song and would love to know when it's available. For that matter, we'd like to know when you've recorded a compilation that we might buy.

Thanks and keep up the good work!!

# 21 19 years ago

I just wanted to you Jason, where is it possible to download that song, now or in the future. And furthermore, I would love to know how to play it. Every time I see it I smile. Its wicked! Please let me know. I'm desperate!

Thanks in advance

# 22 19 years ago

> I just wanted to you Jason, where is it possible to download that song, now or in the future. And furthermore, I would love to know how to play it. Every time I see it I smile. Its wicked! Please let me know. I'm desperate!
> Thanks in advance
> Liam

*** to know Jason, where is it... etc.
# 23 19 years ago

Just to say, your song is a catchy little thing. I don't think it's a discredit to the song just because you made it for a commercial purpose. Obviously it touches a chord for a lot of people and most "mainstream" music can't even do that.
Also I'd just like to say that your song did make that ad more enjoyable. Now excuse me, I need to go buy some sunlight ...


> Hello everyone. My name is Jason, and I'm the composer of the Sunlight song. I'm glad you all like it so much. All the new Sunlight ads are so great, and it was a lot of fun making little tunes for them. Occasionally I'll do full versions of songs I write for commercials, so I'll let you know when "Apple of my Eye" is finished. I'll try and make it available for download. Out of curiousity, do you feel it discredits a song when it's written for an ad? Hopefully a good song is still a good song despite where it was born, and myself, and the other writers I work with, try to bring something a little more to ads so that everyone can better enjoy them.
> Thanks.
> Jason
> > does anyone know the name of the song (or who sings it) that is on the new sunlight washing detergent ad where the kid has his shoe in the tree......its driving me goes "...cuz youre the apple of my eye..."
# 24 19 years ago

haha... i'm also having the same problem

(8) your the apple of my eye... (8)
# 25 19 years ago

By God, that tune is brilliant! I'm glad I found this sight before I wasted my time looking for it elsewhere. I look forward to a time when I can download it as a whole song. As for the question of the merit of a commercial song, just let me say that I am a film and televison enthusiast, (as well as music) and as much as I hate "advertising", commercials seem to be the last and only place you can expect to see anything visual that's new and creative on TV (just look at 5 alive spots). It only makes sense for that notion to extend to the audio as well. The product takes a back seat to the artistic vision meant to help sell it. I won't rush out and buy Sunlight, but I'll always remember the song.
# 26 19 years ago

That's strange because I swear I saw something on TV about that Sunlight ad,like it was a licensed track from a pop band. On Muchmusic or
E talk daily, an interview with a band and that was their song. Sure sounds like a band song anyway. Anybody knows where we can download the ad for short of finding that song?

# 27 19 years ago

It's a cute commercial. I'm trying to figure out if the kid next to the one with one shoe is a girl or a boy. Did the girl with the dog throw his shoe up onto the tree because he likes the (I'm assuming) girl next to him instead?
# 28 19 years ago

> Hello everyone. My name is Jason, and I'm the composer of the Sunlight song. I'm glad you all like it so much. All the new Sunlight ads are so great, and it was a lot of fun making little tunes for them. Occasionally I'll do full versions of songs I write for commercials, so I'll let you know when "Apple of my Eye" is finished. I'll try and make it available for download. Out of curiousity, do you feel it discredits a song when it's written for an ad? Hopefully a good song is still a good song despite where it was born, and myself, and the other writers I work with, try to bring something a little more to ads so that everyone can better enjoy them.
> Thanks.
> Jason
> > does anyone know the name of the song (or who sings it) that is on the new sunlight washing detergent ad where the kid has his shoe in the tree......its driving me goes "...cuz youre the apple of my eye..."
# 29 19 years ago

Ok, my question is not about the music, but about the girl in the commercial. The one with the dog on the leash in the background... I swear that she's been in movies or on TV... but, I can't pinpoint it! Usually I can do that kind of stuff in a hearbeat, but this has been bugging me FOREVER! Anyone know?
# 30 19 years ago

> Hello everyone. My name is Jason, and I'm the composer of the Sunlight song. I'm glad you all like it so much. All the new Sunlight ads are so great, and it was a lot of fun making little tunes for them. Occasionally I'll do full versions of songs I write for commercials, so I'll let you know when "Apple of my Eye" is finished. I'll try and make it available for download. Out of curiousity, do you feel it discredits a song when it's written for an ad? Hopefully a good song is still a good song despite where it was born, and myself, and the other writers I work with, try to bring something a little more to ads so that everyone can better enjoy them.
> Thanks.
> Jason
> > does anyone know the name of the song (or who sings it) that is on the new sunlight washing detergent ad where the kid has his shoe in the tree......its driving me goes "...cuz youre the apple of my eye..."
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