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Re: hillary duff

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# 1 20 years ago

hi, hillary
i listen to your c.ds every night.I am so your number 1 fan.I really like your movies that are out agebt codie bankes and the lizzie miguire movie it is so cool. Please write back and plese will u give me your email adress and please send me a picture of you with your signiture on it.You are so awsome oh how i wish you were my sister. My older brother thinks your so hot.I have to go now.have a happy christmas and keep safe hopefully i will hear from u.
# 2 20 years ago

i love hillary duff. she is so hot and good with her movies and music. merry christmas, i know you wont beable to read this but i really really love her im sorry but its true. i dont think she will ever read our mail but if she gets this i will be happy.
# 3 20 years ago

We love hillary And i likerer her as a girlfreind and my dream is to meet her and kiss her.
# 4 20 years ago

# 5 20 years ago

> i love hillary duff! how about u people?
i dont im a girl you must be bradley sabation
# 6 20 years ago

Hey, girl! How's life? I don't know you in person but you sure look like a very nice person! I like your tv show...especially the one in which you and the "paper-boy" were going out and he ditched you because he liked oneother girl at his school. That was just mean...don't you think? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. I hope you can write back to me, cuz you're the first famous person I've ever communicated with. So, please e-mail back...or even write me a letter. We can be penpals! That'd be cool...penpals with a famous star. Like wow! I sure hope this dream comes true. So, here's my address:::

Natacha Haran
p.o. Box 1016
Greenwood, Nova Scotia
B0P 1N0

See ya!!! Sincerely,

Natacha Haran xxxooo
# 7 20 years ago

> hi, hillary
i love you so much can i have your e-mail please mine is
# 8 20 years ago

hey hillary,
My name is Marco and i have a little sisters that loves you her name is Rebecca. she watches your movies every day. she listens to your cd's. she got your movie on christmas and she has been watching it since. i know that you are very busy with your tour and life. i also know that people are always asking you for stuff for themselves but i was wondering if you could wish my little sister happy birthday. she will be turning 11 on the first of January. she will be so happy if you do this. if you do want to do this for a big fan our phone number is (530)934-7639. also if you do, do this can you email me before at Thank you for taking time in reading this letter. if you dont want to do this i understand. bye
# 9 20 years ago

hey hillary,
My name is Marco and i have a little sisters that loves you her name is Rebecca. she watches your movies every day. she listens to your cd's. she got your movie on christmas and she has been watching it since. i know that you are very busy with your tour and life. i also know that people are always asking you for stuff for themselves but i was wondering if you could wish my little sister happy birthday. she will be turning 11 on the first of January. she will be so happy if you do this. if you do want to do this for a big fan our phone number is (530)934-7639. also if you do, do this can you email me before at Thank you for taking time in reading this letter. if you dont want to do this i understand. bye
# 10 20 years ago

Hillary..ugh no one likes you back away form the acting/singing scene for a while..u give blondes a bad name
# 11 20 years ago

dudet back off her
if u think shes a very *friendly* person you must be omish
# 12 19 years ago

> Hey, girl! How's life? I don't know you in person but you sure look like a very nice person! I like your tv show...especially the one in which you and the "paper-boy" were going out and he ditched you because he liked oneother girl at his school. That was just mean...don't you think? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. I hope you can write back to me, cuz you're the first famous person I've ever communicated with. So, please e-mail back...or even write me a letter. We can be penpals! That'd be cool...penpals with a famous star. Like wow! I sure hope this dream comes true. So, here's my address:::
> Natacha Haran
> p.o. Box 1016
> Greenwood, Nova Scotia
> Canada
> B0P 1N0
> See ya!!! Sincerely,
> Natacha Haran xxxooo
# 13 19 years ago

> > Hey, girl! How's life? I don't know you in person but you sure look like a very nice person! I like your tv show...especially the one in which you and the "paper-boy" were going out and he ditched you because he liked oneother girl at his school. That was just mean...don't you think? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. I hope you can write back to me, cuz you're the first famous person I've ever communicated with. So, please e-mail back...or even write me a letter. We can be penpals! That'd be cool...penpals with a famous star. Like wow! I sure hope this dream comes true. So, here's my address:::
> >
> > Natacha Haran
> > p.o. Box 1016
> > Greenwood, Nova Scotia
> > Canada
> > B0P 1N0
> >
> > See ya!!! Sincerely,
> >
> > Natacha Haran xxxooo
# 14 20 years ago

hillary can you come to my school? email me if you can your number one fan
# 15 20 years ago

> Hey, girl! How's life? I don't know you in person but you sure look like a very nice person! I like your tv show...especially the one in which you and the "paper-boy" were going out and he ditched you because he liked oneother girl at his school. That was just mean...don't you think? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. I hope you can write back to me, cuz you're the first famous person I've ever communicated with. So, please e-mail back...or even write me a letter. We can be penpals! That'd be cool...penpals with a famous star. Like wow! I sure hope this dream comes true. So, here's my address:::
> Natacha Haran
> p.o. Box 1016
> Greenwood, Nova Scotia
> Canada
> B0P 1N0
> See ya!!! Sincerely,
> Natacha Haran xxxooo
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