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song in Chase credit card commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 2 18 years ago

song: 100 Years
cd: The Battle For Everything
artist: Five For Fighting

if you shop at Best Buy, here's it's link; (copy and paste into browser)

fyi: email is bogus...
# 3 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 4 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 5 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 6 18 years ago

> > I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?

It's 100 years to live by Five For Fighting.
# 7 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 8 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 9 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
# 10 18 years ago

> I was wondering the same thing! Did you ever find an answer???
# 11 18 years ago

Found it! 100 Years by Five for Fighting!
# 12 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?

THe name of the song is 100 Years by Five for Fighting Great song!
# 13 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
I was wondering the same thing and looking around to see if I could find out who the singer is. Could it be Demian Rice (from the movie Closer with Julia Roberts?)
# 14 18 years ago

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
I found out. Group: Five for Fighting. Album: The Battle for Everything.
# 15 18 years ago

Its called "100 Years" by Five for Fighting

> I was wondering if you knew the name and/or artist of the song in the newest credit card commercial. The commercial shows all of the different rewards you can get from your credit card. It starts with this guy when he's in college then it goes to him getting married, next he has a daughter and then he has grand kids. If you knoow could you please tell me?
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