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Song in new sprint commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song in the new sprint commercial where the girl leaves her phone and a guy returns it. She says movie about my life made by me. Some of the lyrics are "Im cryin over you" Please email me if you know it.
# 2 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the new sprint commercial where the girl leaves her phone and a guy returns it. She says movie about my life made by me. Some of the lyrics are "Im cryin over you" Please email me if you know it. alll love you forever!!!!!
# 3 18 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the song where the guy walks in and said you guys arent get any work done gets on his phone and say johnson where are you in the airport and they have the radio and the song goes ohhh babe babe It's on the sprint commercial.
# 4 17 years ago

does anybody knows who sings the sprint commercial song were the 3 guys are driving around to work and the boss calls?
# 5 17 years ago

> does anybody knows who sings the sprint commercial song were the 3 guys are driving around to work and the boss calls?
salt & pepper
# 6 17 years ago

> does anybody knows who sings the new sprint commercial song were the guy is in the bathroom singing and someone walks in and catches him?
# 7 16 years ago

> does anybody knows who sings the sprint commercial song were the 3 guys are driving around to work and the boss calls?

yes, it's by Ambulance ltd (album of the same name) called ""anecdote". The whole lp is excellent as well as their follow-up: New English
# 8 16 years ago

does anyone know the song in the new sprint/nextel commercial that soungs like the singer says, "get off my staa-ash"?
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