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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

i want hilary duff's email

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# 1 18 years ago

dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 2 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 3 18 years ago

hi hilary duff i like you
please send me
# 4 18 years ago

dear hilary this is jason i am i am 18 am im 1 of ur biggest fan i have seen ur movies and i was wondering if could get ur email it would seem so much 2 me all the thanx love jason x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x
# 5 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 6 18 years ago

Dear hilary duff did u know im going to your consert on the 23rd?I have 14 posters of you. Iv seen all your movies my favorite is Raise Your Voice.I think your really pretty.I have a lot of your video now c.ds.
I have all your albums.

LOVE Lindsey PS Iwant to be just like you!!!!!!1
# 7 18 years ago

> dear hilary duff im limqareb and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan limqareb..x0x0x0x
# 8 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 9 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 10 18 years ago

I have watched many movies with you in them. I LOVE your music and your voice is beautiful. I Have pics and posters hanging all over my room. can I get a picture with your autograph on it, PLEASE!!!
# 11 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im emilie and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 18 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan emilie..x0x0x0x
# 12 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im natasha and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 80 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan tasha..x0x0x0x
# 13 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im hajar and i would like your email because you're my role model and i would like to be like you when i grow up... i have 55 posters i my room and i would like to know you better... your bigest fan hajar..x0x0x0x
> i love please send me ur email
# 14 18 years ago

hey i love and all you shows and moives and your sooooo cool and and and im bored ummmm im being soo dumb and i bet you hate me but i still think your the coolist and your my fav tv moive star female love nicholas oxoxoxo smile
# 15 18 years ago

> dear hilaryduff im james, although your'e a woman you are my idle, you have everything going for you, ive tried for ages to contact you, i know to you it just looks like another email but i would do anything just to recieve an email from you, i am so genuine, my heart starts racing just seeing you on tv, you are so generous and kind, please can i have your email.
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