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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff's e-mail and phone number

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# 1 17 years ago

Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 2 17 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.

Please read about contacting Hilary here.
# 3 17 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 4 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 5 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 6 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 7 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 8 16 years ago

Please I am your biggest Brazilian fan I know almost all your songs, and I watched your movies: Cheaper by the dozen (1 and 2), The Perfect Man, and Raise your Voice. And they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 9 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 10 16 years ago

>Hi this is Brie.I'm into modeling and I would like to talk to you and possibly get tips from you on how to look as pretty as you. And just really get to talk to you.
# 11 16 years ago

Hilary Duff
> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.

Please what? I'm sorry, but I am not obligated to send out personal info.
# 12 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 13 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I watched all your tv show every episode
# 14 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
# 15 16 years ago

> Please I am your biggest fan I know all your songs off by heart, and I watched all your movies they're all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
> awesome so are you!Please your the best singer ever and your songs are all I listen to.
Please, give me your e-mail and your phone number!!!
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