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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

I want to email Hilary Duff

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# 1 18 years ago

I want to email Hilary Duff
# 2 18 years ago

> I want to email Hilary Duff because i'm doing a prochect on her for school and need info.
# 3 18 years ago

i just wanted to say you are hot
# 4 18 years ago

> I want to email Hilary Duff
# 5 18 years ago

Dear hilary, my name is guillaume, I am from quebec and I write this email for say than I like you and I like your music and your movies roles. I see last night, a cinderella storie and I dream about this love story. Yours songs are very goods like come clean and fly and I finish to say good luck in your success and if you want dou you send your email and we can write anytimes. I hope you can write me back goodbye xxxx

# 6 18 years ago

hey hilary,
i love your music. im your #1 fan. you're so cool. i would love to meet you. i went to one of your concerts in Wilkes-Berrie, PA. every time i hear your music anywhere but home i want to scream. i sing so bad but other than that im okay. when i go for at least a 30 minute ride in the car i listen to your music. i know every word to every song. i would absolutely love to meet you.please please if you get spare time please write me back.
your #1 fan,
# 7 18 years ago

hiary i bleve if you what ot be whith jesus the son of the liveing god you must be born again what i mean is let jesus boold make you born again when your born again say to your self the wrold behin be and the cross befor be i well live for jesus im free from the evil one the devil he is real and so is god look it up in his word you konw what the word is and read the life of god,s son i,s in 1st jhon p.s this is for you and your siter and your budd,s see ya, SBP
# 8 18 years ago

> hiary i bleve if you what ot be whith jesus the son of the liveing god you must be born again what i mean is let jesus boold make you born again when your born again say to your self the wrold behin be and the cross befor be i well live for jesus im free from the evil one the devil he is real and so is god look it up in his word you konw what the word is and read the life of god,s son i,s in 1st jhon p.s this is for you and your siter and your budd,s see ya, SBP
> p.s emal me back at
# 9 18 years ago

hilary duff you rock!!!!!!!!
you dress so cute!! i wish i was just like u!!
email me at
# 10 18 years ago

Hey Hilary,

I am Ebony and i am a big fan of you! I am 13 years old and i really really want to become an actor like you, you are soooo pretty!

Please write back

Love Ebony
# 11 18 years ago

> I want to email Hilary Duff
# 12 18 years ago

Hi Hilary,
what r u doing?Iwas at your last consert.My cousin wants to tell u that he loves u.I watch Lizzie Mcgire every time it comes on it is my fav. show,so is the perfect man. My cousin loves Rasie your voice. Will u write back?Please.
# 13 18 years ago

> Hi Hilary,
> what r u doing?Iwas at your last consert.My cousin wants to tell u that he loves u.I watch Lizzie Mcgire every time it comes on it is my fav. show,so is the perfect man. My cousin loves Rasie your voice. Will u write back?Please.
# 14 18 years ago

> I want to email Hilary Duff
you rock
# 15 18 years ago

> I want to email Hilary Duff
hey hilary i luv u i am your biggest fan please email me.
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