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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

Hey, Hilary (Do they call you Hil or Hilary?)

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# 1 18 years ago

Dear Hilary,
I want you to know that I feel sorry for you. When I'm in the store, I see you on the cover of magazines and they say bad stuff. Don't pay attention to that. They're all lies and you know that they aren't true. So, (I don't mean to sound like a counselor or anything) I suggest that you just stick to writing songs. They're awesome! By the way, I really liked the "Wake Up" one it's soooo rad! These are my other favorites: Beat of My Heart, The Getaway, Jericho, Break my Heart, (I think that's what it's called), Rock This World, and Come Clean. Anyway, I hope you get this!
Your Friend and Fan,
P.S. Remember, whenever you see those magazines, say to yourself, "They're all lies, they're all lies." Oh, and my e--mail adress is See ya!
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